Wow, I am so encouraged by your family. My wife and her friends were having reservations about having dogs around during her preganncy and when the baby is due (Singaporeans are abit neurotic about pregnancy and health matters, they always assumed the worst). I have two Bs who can by really hyper one moment and flat out lazy the next. They recommended me to give the dogs away but they often got my growl as a reply.
I can proudly show your pics to them and proved that Bs and babies can go together.
My pregnancy -
Basenji and the dog next doorI stayed in a neighbourhood with plenty of dogs. My Bs are anti dogs. They are prone to aggressive behaviour because they want to be the Queen Bitches. I thought they were just anti JRT and Big dogs. Now it seems they are anti everybody….sigh......
How long your Bs take to recover from bite woundsHi,
I have been observing one of my girls for a while. She had a few bite wounds throughout her body due to the rough and tumble both of my Bs engaged in. However her wounds take a long time (roughly 2 week or more) to heal. Initially I did nothing, thinking the superficial wounds would heal pretty quickly. I kept brushing my hand over her body daily and I would still encounter the bumps. I applied medical cream over the wound to hasten the recovery process and the wounds healed a few days after I start applying the cream.I like to ask how long your Bs take to recover from their bite wounds
Who has the largest BasenjiGee Gee, I guess is the biggest mama around. Last weighed was 15kg or 33pounds
SheddingOr maybe a picture of the collection barrel of my Dyson Vac
Haha… that for for the unbelievers:D
SheddingMy Bs are spayed so they have no heat season. In Singapore, the weather is warm and humid all year round so I don't think they respond to season changes. Judging from the responses, I guess Bs, like all other dogs, have shedding seasons. I guess I have to take note of the date and prepare the vacuum cleaner and sweat!
SheddingDo Basenjis have a shedding season. Recently, my girls were shedding lots of fur. A brush from their back to the neck is enough to fill your palm with fur. I have to spend extra effort nowadays sweeping, vacuuming….backbreaking labour
How do you socialise adult BasenjisThe car is my girlfriend's. I guess they are bothered by the new dog or they just don't know how to greet strangers?
How do you socialise adult BasenjisI'd like to see mine socialized, but I haven't seen any trainers who will take aggressive dogs into classes, and I can't afford yet the private trainer I desperately want to use {Don't know if you are familiar Sharron, but her name is Shade and she's in North Kitsap. My niece uses her with her pits and I've watched her train – amazing!}.
Keoki may be easier than Jazz - he responded somewhat positively with our neighbor's GS puppy a couple months ago, but had a change of personality when the adult male arrived -- I think the other dog showed attitude first, though.
Jazz is just a hater, LOL. She sees a dog from a distance and starts her snarly crap.Since we stopped the shows, they don't ever see other dogs. The dog parks scare me {for a variety of reasons -- fights, fleas, vaccinations, health}, and the regular on-leash parks always have loose dogs that cause me headaches.
I think we may just have to be hermits because I don't have the skill or knowledge to go it alone.
Same, GeeGee is also like that. Snarls and growls when oher dogs are around but seem to accept the advances of a neighbourhood brown spitz when he tried to mount her.
Oddly, they seem terrified of my friend's stinky pug (probably is the smell, even I cannot stand the smell?) -
How do you socialise adult BasenjisHi, I was thinking about socialising my Bs as they have very strong alpha instincts. I brought my Bs together with another retriever which belongs to my friend to the dog park one fine evening. They were growling at the poor retriever from the front seat on the way to the dog park:( …..They acted aggressively towards the retriever which probably outweighs them combined when in the park. Fortunately, the retriever was extremely docile and promptly submitted to them (phew), its only then, my Bs relented and went on to play themselves.
Enter another malamute (boy, it is enormous) who promptly went to assert his kingship in the park, poor retriever who was enjoying herself, bowed and paid homage to the new king of the park but my 2 rebels decided they weren't gonna be pushed around. They growled, stood their ground but I had to carry both of them to another area just avoid another confrontation and prevent myself from being maimed by the monster.
Anybody know what is a good way to do DIY socialising or a course by a trainer is the best option? -
Wit's End… Please help.What do you mean by "attack". Is she trying to get your attention. I have 2 Bs and both of them are always trying to get my attention and affection. If I pat one of them, the other would get jealous and start biting the former. If that don't work, they will climb over me, jump on me till I give in
Basenji from S'poreThey look like they are perfectly matched - and neither one looks "fat".
I have uploaded the contrasting photos. Go have a kick
Basenji from S'poreWell, Gee Gee is 15kg while Naomi is 10Kg. GeeGee, I think is fat by nature because she was pretty chubby even as a pup. I imported them from a breeder in Australia and flew them over. I posted some pictures of them in the members' gallery. I try to downsize a photo which shows the contrast and post it there.
Cheers:D -
Dog to dog greeting aggression questionWell, I have the same problem with my Basenji girls. I read on the Net that Basenji females are usually the dominant ones. Whenever I bring them out for walks, I have to be wary of dogs that come to close bacause my girls will sniff then bare their fangs, tuck the ears and growl. There was once one of my girls suddenly attacked a terrier while I was trying to drag them away and carry my beach stuff at the same time.
Basenji from S'poreHi, I'm a proud(and poor) owner of 2 basenjis girls. Both came from the same litter from Australia. Both are 3 and the funny thing about them is Naomi is thin and GeeGee is fat (I know I'm being lame but the Basenjis I saw on the Net are pretty slim)