The trash is an issue, i of course agree that it needs to be off the floor, but as i've said, we live in a studio. I suppose i need to invest in a tall trash can!!
We walk for at LEAST 2 hours a day..all around and through town. Stopping sufficiently for sights and sniffs. I see our walking time as her time. sometimes all at once, sometimes in increments, but then i try to play with her with our toys and all she does is fly and try to nip me. Very little interest in anything that isnt a bone. I understand she's seeing me as a play mate.. i read somewhere that if you cant be the alpha, then you should just give in and love them and they'll feel so bad for you that they'll love you for it. hah, which is sometimes true w/ corrina but other times shes a bully.
i was just having a stressful day and needed to vent to you guys haha. Corrina is 2-2 1/2 and was in a puppy mill for the first 2 years of her life. BRAT rescued her, after she was bred a few times and left to die, and immediately spayed her. So i can see her having some issues, and i try to embrace them all, but sometimes its exhausting.
I agree with Rita Jean, I wouldn't trade this crazy pup for anything in the world, i'm just trying to be a better mom and acclimate myself to her needs. Which is reverse to everything ive ever learned about dogs… they're suppost to acclimate to their new homes! but whatever, appreciate the responses, and enjoy reading about everyone elses children. :) Corrina's been yawning quite alot lately, i take that as a compliment, bc instead of getting hyper, she yawns, licks and looks out her window.
later friends.