ok, so you all do give warnings for new b owners (and you do well),
that they might be somewhat destructive, independent, disobedient…
but, there's another kind of warning you should add,
one for which i, as a new b owner, i was not at all prepared
and that is that these creatures
are extremely kind, tender, gentle, sweet, love/needed and love/giving
and this is by far more dangerous, for you will find yourselves
(as i have become),
deeply and emotionally attached with them!

"Warning" about Bs -
Haiku picsHi everyone,
new pics as Haiku grows.. -
Haiku picsWhat is this spot of light? :
Who is going to play with me? :
Don't worry, i will recycle this for you… :
A good Basenji is a tired Basenji :
Nipping / BitingHi there,
i have the same problem with my puppy and the solution i use so far,
is to have 2 or 3 toys that he's allowed to chew, always near by
and as soon he starts to bite my hands, i say NO and i give him one of them
for him to bite. I think patience is needed, it's natural for puppies to bite each other in their games, plus their teeth are growing and really bothers them.
Good luck. -
"look what i can do"Today Haiku proved he' s a real B!
He was in the living room and he went completely …crazy!,
for about 20 minutes, i must have said the word "NO" at least 3.000 times,
it was as if he didn't know what could be the worst he could try:
bite holes in the carpet, digging holes in the sofa, finding all the shoes to chew,
pulling the curtains down, biting the table ...and so on, he tried literally every possible disaster he could think of, just like a small mad hurricane.
To be honest, it was a joy to watch him soooo alive...
can't wait till vaccinations are over and start taking him for long walks - and hope they are going to make him tired enough. -
Cat+B=help?:D Pouka looks like she's saying "Hmm i'm not keen on this upstart but i'm comfy so i'll stay here !"
Correct and sweet cat-reading.
When we went on holiday in our van Bs, cats and ducks and boys happily travelled together with no problems.
This picture of yours, with Bs, boys, cats AND ducks(!!?!?!!), is one of these pics you can carry in your mind for a life time and feel thankful for what life offers!
Cat+B=help?First of all, thank you all for your advices.
Now, things do change and fast!
Haiku was sleeping in my arm and Pouka in her rush to get to my knees had not realized him there, so for a short time they were together!! She did not hiss or tried to scratch, but did not stayed of course long enough, but it was a very promising start.
Cat+B=help?Hi everyone,
i have had a cat for 12 years, she is crazy in love with me, acting more like a dog, following me wherever i go, and sitting on my feet as soon as i seat, so, when i brought my B Haiku home, i followed a very slow approach: for the first 3 days, Haiku was locked in a room, never having eye contact with Pouka (my cat), but being able to smell only each other; than, my son kept the dog in the balcony and i the cat inside, for short periods, allowing them to see each other, but not actually touch each other. And today, the big day, i left the dog free in the living room and the cat sitting on my knees; Pouka was not reacting at first, and i felt relieved, but after a while, Haiku of course, approached curious to smell her; that was it, the cat tried to scratch him, i grabbed her in time, holding her until my son could turn safely Haiku in his room (my hand now looks like grated cheese, at least it's my hand, not his face).
I know it all depends on the character of the animals, i know it will take time and maybe they will never like each other, but, i sure was hoping that eventually they could stay together without fear, but now i hate the idea that for the rest of their lives, i will have to have one animal always locked in a room, taking turns which one will be free…
I know there are no solutions, just patience, i just felt the need to share this story with you all.
Thank you all for your warm welcome you gave me in the "member introduction". -
Finally my B is homeAfter a long but worth waiting period, Haiku, my adorable b boy is at home with me!!I think only the rest of you all, can actually feel the joy i have. No matter how many pics one can see, until he touches and be touched by these elegant creatures, one can not actually realize the feeling and the warmth basenjis can give. I feel so lucky and i would like to thank my breeder Irena for all her help.
I will post pics later on, now i don't want to waste a second with out him! -
Most crazy/funny leash, everWell, actually it was a gift from my sister, and i think this was her way to say:
"since you want a "crazy" dog, this should be a perfect gift".No Irena, i am not planning to use it for your/my dog, though my son really liked it and already we have started (within family) to talk of conditions of training…
I have to say, i feel very thankful, being in here in this "basenji family", even though i still need a ~6 month waiting. I read every post and i am trying to prepare myself (as much as possible) for the wonderful moment of the arrival of my puppy. I truly feel you all as part of a great family, and though i don't yet reply to each one's "personal conditions", i really feel very emotional for each one's happiness or sorrows to share.
Most crazy/funny leash, everfirst of all, i did not buy …this.
second, in order to avoid traffic accidents, from drivers looking at ..it, instead of the road, i doubt i will take a walk with ..this.
but i think it's funny, and decided to share a pic:
Living in GreeceYes Rita,
i have work to do in the house,
i have to make a wooden box for my cat's "toilet"
and another wooden box for my cat's food,
make sure the electric wires will be safe (not to be chewed),
find the right place for the crate and the puppy's "toilet", etc.
As for the name, we have started a family contest to find the right one,
but most probably, we will name it upon the puppy's arrival.
I have spoken with the vet, so he will start his "homework" about Bs.
Even with all these, time seems to looong to wait… -
How did the fox escaped…I think this is the right place to post a cute story, not B related:
There was a fox running like mad, to save its life, from a hunter's dog that was chasing it, in a valley. In the middle of this valley, there was an old building. The fox started to go round and round this building and then it jumped as far as possible; the following dog, smelling the traces of the fox, was left alone making circles around this building, for about 15 minutes, not realizing that the fox had left !!
Aren't ALL animals just wonderful? -
Living in Greecegreat ! congrats :D
waiting is hard but we say also it is worth to wait :)
Can you tell me which breeders is of your choice?Asthenia Basenji
CZ -
Living in GreeceI have found my B breeder (!!!).
I am now in the waiting list (!!!).
It's really very hard to wait,
but it's really worth it.
Thank you all for your help. -
Living in Greecethank you all for your help,
great news that there is another Greek member in the forum,
just hope to get in contact with and find more info. -
Living in Greecehow/where do i start to look for the nearest to Greece breeder?
i know the pet shops here can find Basenji in Hungary,
but i know i should get in contact directly with the breeder
than through a pet shop. -
Hoping to find a basenjiok,
thx for the info,
so i need to jump to the breeders section,
since i am willing to wait
and crazy enough to love "puppy issues".but truly,
never thought i d meet such a demanding companion,
that it starts to demand
(now, to wait to obtain it)
even before one actually owns one.A.
Hoping to find a basenjihi everyone,
the right time for me and my family to get a dog has come,
and looking for one, we stumbled at the grace of the basenji,
…and felt under it's spell.so,
is it true?
you all in north hemisphere, you got your puppies in winter-only?
(that actually means a 6 months wait!)
or is it possible to find breeders for other seasons?Andrew.