My girl has had 2 estrus cycles since hers began, She is 6. Some do. Like us humans, what one bitch does may not be like another.
Two Heat cycles??? OR something more serious? -
How do you know when it’s time?I am so very sorry you are trying to decide this question about when it is time to let your beloved Basenji boy go. I can't really say anything more than what others have said but I DO believe they let us know. He will. And as others said though, this decision is yours and yours alone based on how he does day to day. And as heart aching and breaking as this is, THIS is the most loving and last thing we can do for our beloved Basenjis and all our animal family when that time for that one's life is nearing his (or her) ending especially since they give us SO much unconditional loving that it makes our hearts nearly burst. And just continue to love him, spoil him, and be there for him as you have been and are. I pray that when time comes for his passing, that his passing will be gentle, swift, peaceful and pain free. Like he has and now, he will know your great love and devotion you gave to him and have for him because you will be there letting him know the love you will always have for him when that time comes. Remember that he has taught and continues to teach you the greatest of lessons on life, living, and love all the time. Prayers for him and for you all especially for strength and endurance in the days and moments ahead <3
Meet Millie!@italeigha Both of mine do that where they put their ears back and wag their tails but it depends. Most of the time they are happy and excited with whatever it is. when Belle was a baby pup, she would put her ears back and wag that curly butthole tail like crazy especially when she was meeting a bigger dog. That can be a sign of submission to the other dog in times like that. I would say Millie is excited and happy that the teen neighbor wants to play with her and all that.
Aussie and Belle will do that with us but don't feel bad that Millie doesn't do that with you all of the time. Aus can do that more with other people so it is just dependent on what the situation is, For instance if he like my girl Belle know that we are going by in the car, they sense that and get excited to he especially will nip and jump and play and out his ears back, often bahroo, and wag that tail. Millie knows you all and sometimes it's just their happiness/excitement in other people and how those respond to them. I have some folks who walk when Aus and I are out and the one guy has an Attitude and is pretty tense so Aussie raises his hackles and that type of attitude to him lets him know to be cautious with that person, that is not so trusting. Then again with others, he thinks they are his best newest friend and will fall all over himself with them. He does that with me but with my one family member not as much sometimes. My girl Belle is more fearful of people she doesn't know so she is less willing to go up to someone whereas Aus will do that. She will learn and her personality with you all will come out as time goes on even more so. The thing you want to do is to be ALWAYS calm in every situation because excited dogs can be more nippy because of that.
Meet Millie!@italeigha Great job on a nice start with her in the crate. Remember that it takes time, like with us when we were babies, for her to learn, get used to things, and your home and all the new things for her there. And she is NOT too young to learn those good dog behaviors you want her to learn, so teach her something every single day on obedience/training, exercise her, discipline with gentle corrections, and lots of loving affection as I know you are doing. Like her dad and granddad Aussie and all Basenjis, Millie is very intelligent and will learn what you want and don't want her to do. And that training is NOT just about 'sit, come, stay, down' but much much more!!!!
ALl things in time with lots of patience and loving devotion, work with her on some thing Every Single Day. And when you work with her, do it in short periods and always praise, praise, praise her! Granddad Aussie sends bahroos of XOXOXO and love her way.
Meet Millie!Hi Millie!
Congrats on a gorgeous baby girl there. By the way, my boy Aussie is your girl's granddad since her sire (dad) is one of his sons. She has that Aussie face tho through her dad, Forbes.
Crate training is a very good thing. I know when Aussie was younger, he was used to a crate but others gave good suggestions. Make sure you tell her what a good girl she is when she goes in there and give her a treat when she goes in. Lots of praise will help as well. A little bit of crate time in and time out will help her learn her crate is a safe place to be. Feel free to PM me with any questions you need on FB as well. FB - rhonda e lowe