We use a supplement called The Missing Link. Just add it to their food. Rommel was shedding really bad so we started adding Missing Link and the shedding stopped. You can find it at Pet Smart or get more info from their site. www.missinglinkproducts.com Hope this info will help you.

Shedding -
Caught In The ActMy wife and I got married back in August in Fredericksburg Tx. When we got back in town our friends threw a party for us at our house. We had somewhere between 28 to 30 guest show up. Some of our friends had never seen or heard of a Basenji before and were fascinated with the breed. They were amazed with how friendly and well behaved the dogs acted and even got to witness the B-500. A few of our friends told us don't be surprised if Rommel was missing later that evening. Everybody loves Rommel, he is such a suck-up. Around midnight we walked our last group of guest out to their cars and returned to the house to start cleaning. I was out in the garage when my wife walks out tells me to look in the dinning room. I walk in and Rommel is up on the dinning room table helping himself to the cake. I call his name and he looks up at me with this YES, CAN I HELP YOU look on his face and goes back to eating cake. I'm thankful my wife walk in on him before he moved on to the Smoked Duck Quesadillas. One lesson that I have learned in life is Basenjis and small children are like the Ocean, NEVER FOR ONE SECOND TURN YOUR BACK ON EITHER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello from West TexasYes they do play well together. We have the Basenji-500 that turns into the Basenji Smackdown everyday when we get home from work. The only time I need to split the girls up is around 9:00 PM when they start getting snarky but thats about the time they go bed anyway.
Hello from West TexasThanks I live in Odessa
Hello from West TexasWe own three Basenjis. A 1 1/2 to 2 year old r/w male named Rommel "The Desert Fox) that my wife "girlfriend at the time" found in the alley. We ran adds in the paper and a lady that lives three blocks over called and said it belonged to her and his name is Sage. She never came to pick him up so I went to her house to see if she wanted him back but she had moved. One Sunday I was reading the paper and saw an add for Basenji pups for sale, made the mistake of telling my girlfriend so we had to go see them. The lady only had two tri females left. I told my girlfriend I would buy her one for Christmas, she finally picks one. We take the tri home and named her Kiya after her mother. About two weeks later the lady calls us and tells us if we want the other tri female to come and get her because she can't keep her. So we brouhgt her home and named her Isis. My wife and I have fallen in love with this breed and plan to get one more when the time is right.