Happy late birhtday Chaffie
I didn't have much time last days to post on the forum but better late then never!
Happy 3th birthday to our little lover… :D
3 years ago, your breeder called us to tell you were born...
A few hours later you were sleeping in our arms with mommy next to us...
We had to wait a long time for you arrive but it was totally worth it!You are a special baby boy, an beautifull adult boy but in you great heart a little puppy.. and you always will be we hope..
Always crazy and very playfull, sweet and excited... we love you..
You are a really special boy for me because you feel my allergy attacks way before I feel them... you won't leave me and from the way you act, I know I have to take my medicine right away... I don't know how you feel it but you do... and I really appreciate it very much... thanks little fellow... I love you so much!Last year you became a daddy for te first (and second) time, you became Dutch Champion and became a real bodyguard for you human brother...
Happy birhtday boy!
Belated Birthday wishes to Chafuko xx
Hope you had an awesome birthday sweet Chafuko..may you have many more.