Boarding over christmas holidays

  • Maybe try to find a doggie daycare that does overnights instead of just a boarding kennel? I like those better cause instead of just walks they give them play time 🙂 I did a google on your city and here's a few links to some I found:

    But yea, just google and you'll find a bunch. Be sure to take time to visit and give it a parents approval before dropping them off there!

  • Thanks everyone I am still researching my options. I am hoping to convince my hubby's sister to keep them as they are off of work during the christmas holidays and have fenced in backyard. the only down fall is the sister is highly allergic to dogs. Dan, I do have a doggie door and am friends with my neighbors so I might have them come over to feed and play. The last time I tried this it was for a long weekend and my guys got bored, figured out the child safety locks on the kitchen cabinets and had a ball pulling stuff out of the cabinets.

  • Hi
    Are you going to be driving when you go to your parents? If so, what direction?? Pittsburgh way perhaps or 1/2 way in that dirrection?

  • @pjmush:

    Are you going to be driving when you go to your parents? If so, what direction?? Pittsburgh way perhaps or 1/2 way in that dirrection?

    Yes, we are driving. Unfortunely no, Pittsburgh is not on the way. We drive through Southern Ohio,on Route 33, hop on I-77 in WV to NC. Then across the state of NC. My parents live out near the outer banks.

    If there is anyone along this route who is willing to keep my two basnjis please let me know. My guys are older and don't require a lot of activity and are not house destructive, just as with any basenji are likely to get into trouble if they get bored. They both do well with other dogs of all sizes.

  • GenJMar
    Darn it. It was just a thought. I'm very very good at giving hugs and kisses, if I do say so myself, 24/7 if they want. I hope the weather co-operates for you.
    My boy Einstein was 13yo and I couldn't dream of his spoiled self in a kennel…......"What no sun to sleep in". Maybe someone on the BRAT Facebook page has an idea??
    Drive safe

  • PJ, thanks for the idea about the BRAT facebook site. I haven't looked there yet. I am very reluctant to put my oldest in a kennel as she came from BRAT and spent the first 5 1/2 yrs of her life locked away in a dog crate on her owner's front porch and was never let out. My younger male suffers from some claustraphobia issues and I've never been able to use a standard dog crate with him. I had to use an x-pen. I have in the past put them both in a large x-pen for a few hours a day an not had a problem

  • GenJMar
    Oh my, how awful. I hope they put that animal abuser in a cage to see how it feels. I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to kennel her!!! Unthinkable, how cruel some people are.
    The way we got around putting Einstein in a kennel was taking seperate vacations. How dysfunctional is that 🙂 I'd go to FLa to visit the folks, then later on my husband would go fishing. Who ruled the roost??? Not that I'm suggesting you change your plans etc…... just that look at the lengths we go thru for our 4 legged kids.
    Oh I wished you lived closer to Pgh. I am a BRAT transport volunteer and "temporary" foster, (term used loosely) At Camp PJ, I get the dog and keep them with me 1-2 wks until other transport volunteers can get their schedule worked out. I have fallen in love every single time.....
    Maybe because your oldest was a BRAT and the condition in which she was rescued from, someone will open their hearts, oh I mean home 🙂 to your two fur-babes.

  • GenJMar, have you figured out a solution yet?
    I'm moving to Lakewood, Ohio in two weeks. Its a bit out of your way, as it is about 2.5 hours northwest of Columbus, however, if you have no other solution, it could be worth it to drive.
    I have two three year old girls. One is quite the bossy britches, and the other usually follows her lead. However, I should have enough room and crates to keep everybody separated if I can't have them all out together all the time.
    I will be home most of the time because I won't have a job when I first get there, so there will be plenty of cuddle time.
    Let me know if you think this might work for you.

  • Andrew,
    Sorry I totally missed your post. I did find someone to keep my dogs during Christmas break but I wouldn't say it was a sucessful endevor. I wish I had seen your post earlier and would have considered having you keep them. The person I hired had no previous experience with Basenji's but has 3 dogs of her own 2 of them young. After inspecting her house I could see that she had gates keeping the dogs out of "dangerous areas" and her family seemed very confident with dogs. What I didn't realize and failed to ask (my fault) was how many dogs she was keeping over the holiday. She ended up with 8 dogs pretty much confinded into one level of her house. My dogs had never been introduced to these other dogs and things were not well. Both of my dogs are senior dogs (9 and 13 y/o) Most of the dogs she kept were much younger and more active. She also was overwhelmed and didn't have time to pet and cuddle with each dog. My boy dog acted out b/c he is used to bonding time with the human female and when another dog would try and get her attention while she was petting Cody he would growl and nip. I think he was just too stressed out by all the dogs, barking and lack of "my space". He lost weight and my normally quiet boy dog actually howled the first night home in his sleep( I think he was having a nightmare). I took all day off the next day just so I could be with him and make sure he was ok. I think it might take him a while to get over his experiance.

  • I'm sorry to hear things were less than ideal 😞
    I'm all settled in Lakewood now, and I do have plenty of room for multiple crates & dogs, so keep me in mind in if you go on vacation without your basenjis in the future. Hope they recover soon.

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