We were blessed with a 'small' litter of 6 puppies. This resulted from one breeding, the last day that Cole showed interest. We have two tri girls, three black boys and a red girl.
I had an "oops" litter 4 months ago between an 11 year old male and a 9 year old bitch. This was the bitch's third litter. She had no complications during pregnancy nor in delivery. If the scenario wasn't odd enough to begin with, the bitch has gone through alot of positive changes since delivering. She has slimmed down and is maintaining the best weight she has had in years. She has become active and playful again and her attitude is almost always happy. I'm thoroughly enjoying these changes in her and she is too. I don't know what was in those "puppy hormones" but I wish I could bottle it and sell it LOL! :D