• So, I had a good training session with devil dog last night! trying to teach him to sit while we eat so he doesn't snatch food off our plates…. I had him sit on a blanket while I ate dinner. He?d get up and I?d make him sit back down on it. kept it up for about ? hour. He did pretty good. i'd give him a treat when he'd sit back down or stay for a while. He?d go back on command ?.not make me put him there.
    He proceeded to pee on the blanket an hour later??not sure if that was a pointed message but I?m thinking it was. Basenji?s are interesting creatures.

  • LOL, 22 yrs ago they had these things you put over your toilet to teach a cat to use the toilet. So I got one, locked the cats in the bathroom for several days til they got it. Opened the door, the Maine Coon walked out past me, jumped on my bed and POOPED IN THE MIDDLE OF IT.

    Yeah, message for sure.

  • If you use a squirt bottle, you will only have to spray the b a few times before they get the message…at least, that works in my house.

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