• I was worried about my boy Lance because he's been acting a little stand offish to new people…which the breeder had said he was not like at all. My worries are laid to rest! At the show this weekend he let three kids hang over him, and then when a nice lady pushed a wheelchair up to him with another nice lady with mental disabilities...he seemed very curious and sniffed the wheel, the lady pet him and he liked it!

    I'm so glad! I've been wanting to get him trained as a therapy dog. He's been acting very good to strangers and strange noises lately. So I'm going to start taking him downtown during the weekend!

    YAY Lance!

  • That's great! I think most dogs are very intuitive about people…I'm sure he'll be a wonderful therapy dog...let us know how it goes!!

  • I hope he makes it as a therapy dog it is such a rewarding thing to do. My female Cali is a therapy dog and she thrives on all the attention she gets.
    Good luck


  • hooray lance, isnt it nice to have such a nice dog? what a little angel!

  • Awww what a sweet Lance 😃

  • I want my girl to be a therapy dog too…but I need to get her more socialized with small kids.

  • Woo Hoo!! Great news! When I get a B I plan on doing the same thing, my boxer has his CGC and I would take him to nursing homes and such when we were back in the states.

    There is always so much joy when you see someone that is depressed perk up from the unconditional love a dog gives.

  • 🙂 Yeah it sure made me happy! LOL I just hope that he can get his head screwed on in a couple of years so I can get him properly trained!

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