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Missing 2 basenji females - Denver craigslist

Lost and Found Basenjis
  • I heard about this this morning…so incredibly sad. :(:(

    This is my worst fear - hit by a car - either by my own hands (dropping a lead or making a mistake with a gate) or someone elses...

  • A gardener left the gate open. :(

    If I had anybody doing any work at my house I would put the B in a crate otherwise my gate has a pad lock on it. When I had my carpets cleaned, even though I was home Buddy went in the crate as the guy was going in and out.

  • I am so so sorry for your loss… sorry!!!!!!!

  • Accidents can happen to anyone and statements that could be inferred that it is someone's fault that the accident happened can be very hurtful even if that wasn't your intention. Right now sympathy is what is needed from us.

    Dogs may bolt through open doors, climb over or dig under fences even if they have never done so before.

    I'm sorry for this b and her family.:(

  • So sad..
    Extra hugs and skritches to the rest of the pack.

  • My condolences - hope the owners gets some extra love from their pack of b's.

  • @nobarkus:

    A gardener left the gate open. :(

    If I had anybody doing any work at my house I would put the B in a crate otherwise my gate has a pad lock on it. When I had my carpets cleaned, even though I was home Buddy went in the crate as the guy was going in and out.

    I know that this wasn't meant to sound as if the owner did anything wrong :( Wierd things happen. All my dogs are crated (except Querk) when we aren't home. One time when we were having some construction done on the house, the guys had removed a panel of the fence without telling us, and didn't replace it when they quit for the day. I got home, and let the dogs out (the missing panel was not within view of the porch/door. It took me about 30 minutes to realize two of the dogs were running loose around the front of the house! Thankfully nothing bad happened…but it certainly could have...and I would have blamed myself for not checking the fence...but the truth is it was just an accident.

  • @Quercus:

    I know that this wasn't meant to sound as if the owner did anything wrong :( Wierd things happen. All my dogs are crated (except Querk) when we aren't home. One time when we were having some construction done on the house, the guys had removed a panel of the fence without telling us, and didn't replace it when they quit for the day. I got home, and let the dogs out (the missing panel was not within view of the porch/door. It took me about 30 minutes to realize two of the dogs were running loose around the front of the house! Thankfully nothing bad happened…but it certainly could have...and I would have blamed myself for not checking the fence...but the truth is it was just an accident.

    Correct Andrea, it wasn't to say they did anything wrong. It was to say what I do now as before I never worried because all my previous Bs had gotten out but they would always stay in the front. My new guy Buddy got out because the UPS guy left the front gate open and I did not notice when I let Buddy out and he bolted off. Now I have a spring on the gate that closes it automatically. It's worth it to install gate springs if you don't have them.

  • So sad for this owner…really, it could happen to anyone.
    Hugs, hugs, hugs.

  • OMG, this happened so fast I'm still in shock… Very sorry for your loss... Hugs to all...

  • Oh, such a sad story. My heart jumped when I read the craigslist post, and sank when I read on. Thoughts with the owner and the rest of the pack (beautiful group of pups).

  • These sorts of things happen so quickly, and unfortunatley there is no "Undo" button. I think it is easy to get complacent in our lives. We get use to routine and every once in a while things just happen. So sad.

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