That's what I was thinking, about the first one, haha.
I like the sense of perspective in the third. Makes me want to line up a bunch more, like nesting dolls.
LOL ! of courseeee!!!! when doesn't rocky make those devil noises!? i really think he is a little demon. lol
One of these days I am going to have to tape the sounds she makes. It cracks me up! A little scary for other people, my mother-in-law was scared of her the first time she did it. Anymore I just tell her no and knock it off and she normally does!
Wow, what a beautiful place! So envious!!
We are currently setting up a petition to get some FENCED dog parks in our area. The last time they were ready to begin construction people in the neighbourhood protested that they didn't want an ugly fence in their park…though they wanted an even bigger fence around the kids play area. sigh