First, anything involving bras, panties, socks or soggy towels from the dirty clothes basket is WAY too funny, especially if mom is busy at the computer and you get them out 3 times in 5 minutes. Next, and this one is really good for a laugh, when your mom's in the shower, sneak in and take one shoe to the living room. When mom gets out of the shower she immediately goes, Did you get my shoe AGAIN??? Then she comes hopping into the living room on one foot, sort of like a bunny rabbit but not quite. That one's funny even if you do it once a day for two years. Of course everybody knows if you need your coat to go potty, it's too doggone cold to go out. When your mom announces it's time to go potty and Lets Put On Your Coat, clown big time. Rassle. Put your nose in the leg hole of your coat. Baroo if you can get still get your mouth open. Whatever it takes. Say your mom wins the smack down and gets you suited up, she will go in the other room for a minute. Quickly UNVELCRO yourself. When mom comes back wearing her sweater, coat, hat, muffler and gloves, you will be standing there completely naked. Your mom may cry at first and make funny noises, but she'll laugh about it later.