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Coat Color Inheritance in basenji

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • BbRr itd do not relate to race Basenji

  • Saddle - (czaprakowy)
    DD Kk a^sa^s and (a^sa)

  • I think R is here only to make difference between "r" (tricolor) and "R" (red). Just way of writing.

    This link could help you ;)

    For basenjis is enough to know about K locus and A locus. Black and brindle are on K locus, red and tricolor are on A locus.

    Black is "the most dominant", than brindle/trindle, red and at the end "the least dominant" is tricolor.

    If your "R" is for red and "r" for tricolor, your BbRr should be the same as Kk ayat (I suppose :) ). This is tri-factored black dog who can produce black, red and tricolor pups.

  • You your entry does not apply to incorrect.

  • @misspodhradsky:

    ok so here is my question. BbRr is Black but if there is a R that is a dominant Red, so what does that mean? does that mean this dog is able to produce red puppies tho it is a black and white? or does this mean that the black was just more dominant in this color pattern and it over took the red making the dog look black in color. Just curious. thanks

    It could produce black puppies, red puppies or tri puppies.

    I will write more when I get home from work tonight.

  • @lvoss:

    It could produce black puppies, red puppies or tri puppies.

    I will write more when I get home from work tonight.

    ok thank you lvoss. I know you will be writing more when you get home but i just want to ask. How does the B and R show up on a dog. Meaning what does the puppy look like when it has a gene of BbRr? (im not sure if that gene combo is right. just wondering that if it has both dom Blck and dom Red, what would the puppy be in color and what genes would it have?)

  • @Tiva:

    I think R is here only to make difference between "r" (tricolor) and "R" (red). Just way of writing.

    This link could help you ;)

    For basenjis is enough to know about K locus and A locus. Black and brindle are on K locus, red and tricolor are on A locus.

    Black is "the most dominant", than brindle/trindle, red and at the end "the least dominant" is tricolor.

    If your "R" is for red and "r" for tricolor, your BbRr should be the same as Kk ayat (I suppose :) ). This is tri-factored black dog who can produce black, red and tricolor pups.

    Yes i found a punnett square and it had Rr which is why i used it instead of Kk and Yy. :) Thanks for the clearing. anyways ok so Kkayat is KkYy (correct?) so the dog is a black dog that has the reces tri and since it has the dom Red gene and a rec tri that is how you got the Black reds and tris? ok i think i get that now. thank you!

  • ok i have a question. When you are doing a punnett square, lets say you have a dog that is DDKkYy and DDkkYy. Would you put one parent on top and one on the side and do the addition?


    How do you figure out what the puppy is? I dont understand how to take a parents code and put it into the punnett square. I know how to use the punnett square once its ready to be solved but i dont know how to determine where things go and how to evaluate the results (if there are more than 1 letter on each side)

  • Dd kk ayay , Dd kk ayat, Dd kk ayaw, Dd kk ayas, Dd kk aya
    DD Kk ayay = black
    Dd Kk ayay = black
    dd Kk ayay = Blue (dog German)
    dd Kbrk ayay = blue brindle
    DD Kbrk ayay = brindle
    Dd Kbrk ayay = brindle

    DdKbrK ayat

  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • example

    red x whait Dd kk ayay

    black x white
    Dd KbrK ayay

    DD Kk ayay = black x white
    Dd Kk ayay = black x white
    dd Kk ayay = blue (german dog)
    DD Kbrk ayay = brindle
    Dd Kbrk ayay = brindle
    dd Kbrk ayay = fawn brindle

    red x white Dd kk ayat
    black x white Dd KbrK ayat

    possible combination
    DD Kk ayat = black
    Dd Kk ayat = black
    dd Kk ayat = blue (german dog)
    DD Kk atat =black (mask tricolor)
    Dd Kk atat = black (mask tricolor)
    dd Kk atat = blue tricolor
    DD Kbrk ayay = brindle
    Dd Kbrk ayat = brindle
    DD Kbrk atat = trindle
    Dd Kbrk ayat = brindle
    dd Kbrk ayay = blue brindle
    dd Kbrk ayat = blue brindle
    dd Kbrk atat = blue trindle

  • @Monika:


    red x whait Dd kk ayay

    black x white
    Dd Kbrk ayay

    DD kk ayay = red x white
    Dd kk ayay = red x white
    dd kk ayay = blue fawn
    DD Kbrk ayay = brindle
    Dd Kbrk ayay = brindle
    dd Kbrk ayay = fawn brindle

    red x white Dd kk ayat
    black x white Dd KbrK ayat

    possible combination
    DD Kk ayat = black
    Dd Kk ayat = black
    dd Kk ayat = blue (german dog)
    DD Kk atat =black (mask tricolor)
    Dd Kk atat = black (mask tricolor)
    dd Kk atat = blue tricolor
    DD Kbrk ayay = brindle
    Dd Kbrk ayat = brindle
    DD Kbrk atat = trindle
    Dd Kbrk ayat = brindle
    dd Kbrk ayay = blue brindle
    dd Kbrk ayat = blue brindle
    dd Kbrk atat = blue trindle

    Im not sure what all this means. ayat are Yy. umm could you do it with Yy instead of ayay or atat? its just easier for me if you do. thanks

  • Big Y is a red
    small y - tricolor,saddle,agouti and recesiv gen.Can not have four different meanings

  • Misspodhradsky:

    tri factored black dog - Kk ayat
    tri factored red dog - kk ayat

    Use punnett square for K locus and another punnett square for A locus:


    So, we have Kk (twice) and kk (twice)

    A locus:


    We got ayay, ayat (twice), atat

    Than put both, K and A locus, together (every K result with every A result):

    Kk ayay - black
    Kk ayat - tri factored black
    Kk atat - tri factored black

    kk ayay - red
    kk ayat - tri factored red
    kk atat - tricolor

    Or, with your letters:
    tri factored black dog - Kk Yy
    tri factored red dog - kk Yy



    And than again, put all together:

    Kk YY - black
    Kk Yy - tri factored black
    Kk yy - tri factored black

    kk YY - red
    kk Yy - tri factored red
    kk yy - tricolor

  • @Monika:

    Big Y is a red
    small y - tricolor,saddle,agouti and recesiv gen.Can not have four different meanings

    Yes i know that. But when you put ay, at, etc. it confuses me. I need the coding to be is Y,y, K, and k. I think thats it. but i cant follow when people add in different letter cuz i dont understand it :(

    Which sucks cuz when you use letters i know it starts getting easier and easier lol

  • @Tiva:


    tri factored black dog - Kk ayat
    tri factored red dog - kk ayat

    Use punnett square for K locus and another punnett square for A locus:


    So, we have Kk (twice) and kk (twice)

    A locus:


    We got ayay, ayat (twice), atat

    Than put both, K and A locus, together (every K result with every A result):

    Kk ayay - black
    Kk ayat - tri factored black
    Kk atat - tri factored black

    kk ayay - red
    kk ayat - tri factored red
    kk atat - tricolor

    Or, with your letters:
    tri factored black dog - Kk Yy
    tri factored red dog - kk Yy



    And than again, put all together:

    Kk YY - black
    Kk Yy - tri factored black
    Kk yy - tri factored black

    kk YY - red
    kk Yy - tri factored red
    kk yy - tricolor

    OH! ok! so you dont do them all together. you do letter with letter and then add them! Oh ok!!! Thank you soo much! That helps alot!

  • letter "a" located in the locus A

    letter y,t,w,a, talking about hair color
    otherwise you can not save

  • Letter D intense color
    letter d lightened the color

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