Retalitory Peeing?
No, I have 3 basenjis and 1 vizsla, and am no where near an expert on the breed. I learn a little more with each dog…..I'd need a lot more before I would know half of what most people here do. With some things it's hit or miss and you have to find what works best for you and your family.
All my b's are from Stella. Which one is of the tris or the spunky red and white???? I'm out in Riverside, but would love to try to get them together some day.
I guess there are a lot of basenji's with Z names....and a cat! HAHA...I call all my dogs by the wrong names all the time. I even sometimes call Apache my first basenji's name and he's been gone almost 5 years now.
I hope you're having as much fun with Zola as I am with Zuni. She does become piranha puppy from time to time, mostly when she's hungry or tired....I'm able to stop her, most of the time, I feel for your son. You may want him to hold on to something else that she can chew instead of him, like a bully stick or a toy, and when she gets rambunctious, direct her attention to that item. It's worth a try!
Yes, Zola is one of the tri's. How about Zuni, is she a tri too, or red & white?
How have your older B's been with accepting Zuni into the household? Are they pretty accepting? We took Zola back to Stella to get her second series of shots, and Jewel and the other two females were right on top of Zola letting her know that they were in charge. They wouldn't let her walk around for about 1/2 an hour, then they lightened up and let her play.
I love the tri's…as you can see, but this time I went back to red/white like my first b.. Zuni is the one with the big white neck.
My b's have been wonderful with her. Chey watches over her and keeps her in her place and will occasionally play with her. Apache, poor guy, he just lets Zuni beat him He's the one that always plays with her, gets up when she does and thinks she's the best thing on 4 legs. My vizsla pretty much tries to ignore her. I call him the grumpy grandpa.
HAHA...I know just what the girls did to Zola. They still do that to Apache whenever I take him over there. I took Zuni to Stella's salon for her second shot so didn't see the girls.
"… Will a Basenji pee right in front of you if she is angry at you for some reason? Can they be spiteful?"
All the good advice you are getting from the members regarding the potty training here is right - but on saying that, yes, Basenjis can be spiteful and I've seen it firsthand with Shaye. When she was younger, if told she could not go into a room she wanted to get into, she would stare right at me, squat and pee, then stand up and calmly walk away. She has, fortunately, gotten over that. These days, when we leave the house we give both of the b's a treat, and they behave very well. However, if we leave the house without remembering the treat, they get destructive and when we return, will lead us right to the damage. There's no other name for that but spite.
My girl is 13 weeks as well and I swore she was almost totally potty trained. Anytime she had to go she would run to the back door and ring the bell. The only accidents we had were our faults when one of us did not hear the bell or see her standing at the door. But all of a sudden we have had 5 accidents in 2 days, each time we left the room for just a few seconds she has gotten up from where she was sitting or laying down and peed on the kitchen floor as if to say "better not leave me alone again or else"!
More likely if she is peeing when you are not there it is either because of anxiety or some confusion about where the right place to potty is. Many dogs with separation anxiety pee almost immediately when their people leave them. Other dogs become confused during potty training, they may not be sure where the right place to potty is and start peeing "in secret" because then they don't get scolded. It is really important to keep up the praising even if the puppy is doing a really good job at house training. You really want to make it crystal clear where the "right" place is. If the puppy keeps having accidents when you leave then you may be seeing the start of an anxiety issue. Also, your puppy could have a UTI if it is peeing more often or inappropriately.
My girl is 13 weeks as well and I swore she was almost totally potty trained. <snip>But all of a sudden we have had 5 accidents in 2 days</snip>
It is not uncommon when teething starts to see regressions in potty training.
13 weeks is maybe a little early, but is definitely a reasonable age to start seeing teething symptoms. the guideline I usually see is 11-16 weeks to start teething.
It's funny I just saw this thread - Tayda did this to me last night. For the last few days I've had them on the bed with me at night - usually they are on the floor. Well last night they were irritating me because they kept playing and jumping around on the bed and when they finally laid down they took up all the room (of course). So I decided they were going back on the ground. Off the bed. Got the spray bottle to keep them off. Tayda, who had just been outside to pee 10 minutes before, tried about 10 times to get back on the bed, only to be met with a squirt from the water bottle. Then she promptly walked to the other side of the room, started peeing and walking at the same time, all while looking straight at me.
little brat.
It is not uncommon when teething starts to see regressions in potty training.
13 weeks is maybe a little early, but is definitely a reasonable age to start seeing teething symptoms. the guideline I usually see is 11-16 weeks to start teething.
Thanks to all for the feedback!
There is no confusion over where she needs to go and we praise her to the extent that my neighbors think I'm crazy every time I take her out. YodelDogs suggested it might be a UTI also, we have a vet appt on Friday so we can ask him then. But I think the teething might be the real issue. Last night at show training she would not let the trainer open her mouth. When we got home she crawled inside her toy box and started chewing on toy that was in the box, and she had never previously touched this toy. I will keep a closer eye on her.
Alfie is now 10 months old and still as naughty as hell. Yesterday evening, he was kept in the hall as the covers that we normally put over the leather sofa were being cleaned. This was not to his liking so he promptly found a way into my Son's bedroom and pee'd all over his bed. This is about the fifth or sixth time he's done this. Not impressed!!