What is this little boy's name? Throw me a bone…..

  • I think Brutus and Ceasar would not be found hanging out in real life, different classes. Julius, or Jules? Cairo, or Chai? Omar…

    That's precisely the point. Ceasar will be the alpha dog & Brutus will be a different class in the echelons of dog society 😃 😃 😃

  • Brutus murdered Ceasar though. It's a harsh name, but the irony is there. The new pup may be more of a contender for top dog than we know.

  • So long as Brutus doesn't use the squirrels and cats as his accomplices…I think Ceasar will keep his top dog spot 😃 😃 😃

  • "Sic semper tyrannis" 😃

  • Just so you know…Ramses (Ramzes) is a name a LOT of Basenji owners use. Same with Tut. I like looking into the meanings of names.

  • oh man, I just dont know….you guys have added some really interesting names for me.....we shall see....

  • Who is this new puppy's breeder? he is very cute!

    How about Salad…you know...Caesar Salad 😉

  • How about Salad…you know...Caesar Salad

    This forum make me LOL all the time!! This one was too funny 😃 😃 😃 ROFL!!

  • So after holding on to Romeo all week, I think it is maybe not "the" name…

    We thought of another one last night, "Cairo". Not original, I'm sure, but would work for a little boy....

    I looked up Brutus and it means something like, "dumb one", I wasnt expecting that. so that is definately not the name for me.

    Caesar isnt really helping me out much with these names, just laying around. Little does he know of the chaos I will be bringing home on Friday! Crying, poop, and pee!!! I can't wait!!

  • Lux was almost Cairo, back on installment #29 of "Name the pup" I also suggested Omar which I like in a kind of deserty/africany way!;) Marcus on # 30 was good too, I thought.

  • There's a name for you…Chaos! LOL...but seriously, it might just work out!

  • I have always been told, do not give a basenji that you do not want them to live up to. I think that is pretty good advice.

  • I have decided to go with Cairo for his name. Thanks everyone for you suggestions!!

  • @Mantis:

    I have decided to go with Cairo for his name. Thanks everyone for you suggestions!!

    That sounds like a great choice…....good luck with the Pup!:)

  • We're glad you went with Cairo. Now, you have a pup, named him… let the games begin!:) Best of luck... Mn'L

  • Luving the CAIRO name….

  • Well, Cairo is not coming tomorrow….too cold to put him on a plane from Deleware....

    I am soooo ecited and Caesar looks for him when I say his name....he is excited too. not too sure about what, but he is excited and recognizes the new name. LOL.

  • @Mantis:

    too cold to put him on a plane from Deleware….

    Who is his breeder, again?

  • Aw! I love the name and that Caesar is excited too! I'm sure it will boost his spirits and keep you on your toes! Let us know when he arrives…and of course, get that camera ready!!!

  • Well, finding a puppy can be exciting and challenging if you live in the Tampa area. We do have a large community of owners and a majority of them are rescues and parents that have had basenjis all of their lives. There is a lot of basenji education and responsibility that comes with being part of a pack of basenjis in the area. I dont know if I am saying this right, but I wanted to be hypersensitive to where the puppy came from with my past experience with Beta.

    Beta was the product of a puppymill. She was 1-1/2 when I adopted her and extremely ill, starved, and mentally sheltered from being in a cage that was too small for her entire puppy hood. I would never trade her for another dog, and all of her issues were nothing compared to her beautiful sweet disposition. I loved her so dearly and wanted to make sure I was respectful of her in the process of finding a new baby. Owning a rescue is a priveledge and we have such a loving community of basenji owners that are so supportive. Beta IMO, was an extreme rescue. She took over 2 years to potty train and finally mentally settle down. Most rescues I have met, have been much easier as pets than Beta was for us, but what a beautiful life she shared with us!

    I began to search puppyfind.com for starters and the rescue sites. I knew I wanted a puppy, so I found the boy and then had a long talk with the owner. I did not want a puppy from a basenji mom that was a basenji making machine.

    After spending $7k on Beta's illness over the last month I didnt really want to look into a kennel and pay for the kennel name, but find a puppy that was the best looking basenji for me and my tastes.

    Caesar was a puppy from a litter where an owner bred her girl once to share that experience with her basenji. Shortly after, she fixed her. Caesar routinely visits his mom and that bond is really important to me. I didnt know anything about basenjis at that point and found out later that Caesar has the Kibushi name mixed into his AKC past. If I was to have chosen a kennel, that would have been my choice.

    This little guy is from a family in Deleware that has two parent basenjis. This was their first and only litter. The owners plan on having both fixed in the future. There were 7 puppies and the mother basenji is black and white and the father is brindle. All of the puppys were dark. I brindle (my guy), 2 trindle (tri markings, all red areas are brindle) and the rest black. They have a home with 3 acres of running space and are in a home where they are pets. This was ideal for what I was looking for. I reviewed the parents pictures before I adopted.

    Caesar is the type of basenji that is physically in the middle. In Florida, we have the long and lanky light basenjis, the basenjis with the larger ears and slightly uncurled tails (look more african IMO), and the short and stocky basenjis. I think Caesar is 1/2 long and lanky and 1/2 short and stocky. He has just the right amount of meat on him and is 23-24 lbs. He is very skinny with a lovely trot and runs like the wind.

    This little boy we are adding to our family has a short and stocky mom and a robust looking father. The dad appears to be shorter than Caesar, but a more rounded chest. Here are some pictures of the parents.

    The owners say that my little guy looks identical to the father. I have a pic of the mom, but cant find it right now.

    My criteria in short?
    Not from a puppymill or basenji mom that was having multiple litters for profit
    From a home with Basenji experince
    A basenji under 1-1/2 years old
    A boy
    Black and white or brindle in color
    Not larger than Caesar in height (hopefully).

    I am heading out right now to pick him up at the airport. The owner is flying in with the puppy in the passenger area. I wonder if he was a screamer on the flight. I am super excited!!

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