Is your basenji smarter than your baby gate?

  • so! I ended up buying one of these awesome gates today!
    they had a few options at the store and I ended up going with the 'extra tall' one because I knew they liked to jump and better to have a gate she'll grow into then one she'll grow out of, the normal gate was $40 while this extra tall one was $50, worth the extra $10 I must say

    I put up the gate and decided to test it buy havening everyone go to lunch, when we returned home, all of the dogs had greeted us! Bindi was supposed to be in my room behind the gate

    apparently, she's just small enough still to squeeze threw the bars, so! before leaving for work, I instructed my room mates, very clearly on what to do with Bindi while I was at work, when she goes out, give her a treat, she just learned out to sit, make her sit when she comes in, if you want her to go to bed, put her in the room, say 'bed' and have her go into the crate, give her a treat and leave with the door closed, until she's big enough not to squeeze threw the bars

    so 4 hours into work, after I got off of my break, my room mate walks in, on the phone with the other room mate, apparently, Bindi had gotten herself stuck in the baby gate, Rus the room mate on the phone, says she doesn't want to pull Bindi threw because last time she broke the animal's legs!!!

    wtf?! so I ask my room mate in the store, to go home and get her out, he says no! so I have to beg my manager to let me go home and get my dog out of my gate!! I get home, Rus is crying and telling me to go get some cooking oil, I said, she'll be fine, just let go of her (she had been holding her in place, not letting her try to move herself out of the gate, which she had done obviously while were out earlier today) she finally let go and I just push gently on Bindi's shoulders and she came out

    my advice, don' put the gate up until their heads are too big to fit threw the bars, or you'll end up coming home from work to save your stuck dog from a crazy lady who won't let her move or even try to get her out


  • One of many Basenji adventures you are sure to have! 😃

  • @alkite:

    One of many Basenji adventures you are sure to have! 😃

    I actually can't wait! she's doing very well with her crate training and I've only had her for 5 days! I just have to keep my bedroom door closed until she gets too fat to fit threw the gate hehe
    I must say, I was rather upset, now I look back even a mer 24 hours later and laugh a little


  • Oh Kat, what a funny story and all basenji!! Cairo put his head through my gate when I introduced him to it!! There is that piece that is a bit wider that he just pushed his head through. He is 11 weeks now and 8lbs and cant fit through it anymore!!

    FYI, my cats used that space to walk through the gate. I use it at work now, but when it was at home I used it for a cat safety room.

  • Ok…I should of never said that the baby gate I was using worked. I jinks'd myself. This weekend while Chance was in "jail" (he is put in another part of the house when he gets into too much trouble) he decided to jump it. Maybee it was the fact that he kept seeing our cat jump over it. This little guy is getting smarter every day!
    Now its time for me to find a taller gate. 😃


    I picked this baby gate up at Target for 19.95. It works really well (for a puppy) As for when he becomes much older, I am sure I will have to invest in another.

  • ha ha, this is the type of gate that Caesar climbed over as a puppy… gates are the best because if a kid can't get through it, well neither can the basenji! LOL

    Check out "The First Years" baby gate from Babys R Us.....tension gate that you dont have to remove....has a door and a ramp for vaccuums....:D

  • I obviously need to get a much highter gate. He can jump preatty high now. Its funny…this morning I was getting ready for work and was about to leave so I put him on the other side of the baby gate. Not a second after I turned my back, he was next to my feet. He can jump over it without difficulties now. GGRRRRR. Just when I thought I could keep him away from certain parts of the house. NOPE! 😉

  • O.k so maybe instead of my crate wooes (we're probably more against it then my 😎 how bout if I put up one of these gates and keep him confined to a particular area when he is bad boy or even when we leave so if he poops it will be in an area we'll consider the doggie area. As you can tell I'm trying to exhaust all options before going for the crate.

  • Really, I don't think either option is good for punishment or somewhere for him to go when he is a bad boy. I know some people do use a time out, but I'm not sure exactly how they do that. I crate my dogs when we cannot be there to supervise them, I don't use the crate as a correctional device. From your other posts, it sounds like your B isn't being bad, he is having seperation anxiety. I would approach the whole thing from that angle and try to resolve the seperation anxiety.
    While you are working it out, I think a gate to keep him confined to a more easily cleaned area while you are away from home is a great idea since a crate is something you are not comfortable with.

  • you may want to post this topic in the behavioral area to see what responses you will get over there….i am sure other people will have a lot of feedback for you! 🙂

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