• So Gizmo has developed one of them Itchy spots. The kind you can scratch on and his foot kicks in involuntarily.

    Funny and cute yes, however it's a very large spot. Pretty much his whole left side.

    I used to be able to pet him, and he loved to cuddle while I gave him a nice back rub. But now thanks to this spot he can't relax as I do. And I don't have the heart to rub/pet him while he is relaxing anymore. 😞

    Anyone know if there is a reason to these areas that are so sensitive? I really wish I could get rid of it for him.

  • @NerdyDogOwner:

    So Gizmo has developed one of them Itchy spots. The kind you can scratch on and his foot kicks in involuntarily.

    Funny and cute yes, however it's a very large spot. Pretty much his whole left side.

    I used to be able to pet him, and he loved to cuddle while I gave him a nice back rub. But now thanks to this spot he can't relax as I do. And I don't have the heart to rub/pet him while he is relaxing anymore. 😞

    Anyone know if there is a reason to these areas that are so sensitive? I really wish I could get rid of it for him.

    There could be a number reasons. Food, fleas or something in the environment like grasses or plants. What are you feeding him?

  • Hm, well I am currently switching food. He has only tasted a bit of it today, so it can't be the new stuff. The food I was feeding is Josera, which did wonders to his fur. But since it has sugar in it, I don't want to give it anymore to him…thank god I only ordered a small bag.

    Grasses and plants are out of the question, since everything is covered with snow....actually so you think it could be dry skin because of the cold?

    I don't think fleas, since he isn't scratching on a regular bases.

  • Houston

    Yes, dry skin is common, especially this time of year..if he is indoors, with heat on it is bound to be drying for his skin, fleas are out, if you have snow..unless you have a flea infestation in your home,..but you would know if you did, i.e. they would get you too, so I think that is far from what this is..
    I would add some salmon oil to his food, you must have lots to choose from, the ones I have bought here, several different brands, have all been from Norway..That should do the trick..

  • Ah okay. Actually the new brand of food I got him has Fish Oil in it, so maybe I will see improvement with just that.


  • Even if the new food has fish oil in it, it shouldn't hurt to supplement it with salmon oil. A bottle of 100 capsules was around $8.00 here. I just cut one open and let AJ lick the oil out of it as I squeeze the capsule. It has helped quite a bit with his dry skin.

    BTW the food that I have him on right now has salmon in it already, but it wasn't enough to keep his skin in optimum condition during these winter months.

  • @AJs:

    Even if the new food has fish oil in it, it shouldn't hurt to supplement it with salmon oil. A bottle of 100 capsules was around $8.00 here. I just cut one open and let AJ lick the oil out of it as I squeeze the capsule. It has helped quite a bit with his dry skin.

    BTW the food that I have him on right now has salmon in it already, but it wasn't enough to keep his skin in optimum condition during these winter months.

    That's correct, it isn't enough. The amount of fish oil they put in dog food is very low. I give Buddy a lot.

  • But but…the breath....uggg. Haha!

    Okay, I will keep that in mind with the oil.

  • Omega 3 fatty acids are very heat labile, and not stable at room temp for long periods, so the fish oil in kibbles are usually not a good source of Omega 3's because they are either cooked, or sit out at RT too long.

  • @NerdyDogOwner:

    But but…the breath....uggg. Haha!

    Okay, I will keep that in mind with the oil.

    I haven't noticed any bad breath from the salmon oil. I mean, AJ had bad breath to begin with…but it hasn't gotten any worse.

  • Houston

    I think the oil makes for fishy breath after they have consumed it, but it goes away rather quickly after that, so about an hour max after each meal, more like 30 minutes..
    The pros are way better then the cons, I highly recommend it, his itching will be better, his coat will be shiny (although as a puppy I bet he already has great looking coat) and his jonts will thank you in the long run..win, win..

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