June, Gypsy has been mentioned in the Breed notes in one of the UK dog papers, so hopefully you may get a response thorugh that. I don't recall how she came to be in Rescue. There can't be many Basenjis in Cyprus. Have you been able to discover her breeding?
Is this a basenji [mix]
I would guess pit bull/basenji mix. She has the ears, leg build and markings of a basenji, head shape, tail length/curl and musculature of a pit bull. Many people dock tails and crop ears on pits, but I have seen a lot of pits with tails intact. Length and shape are correct for this, but there is more hair on this dog's tail.
I would guess boxenji
Ms. Andrea, that was my first guess as well until I took a longer look at the muzzle and jaw musculature. Interesting looking dog. Hope she finds a great home.
I agree, very interesting, strong looking dog. I hope she will find a loving family..