• I assume what I am about to describe is pretty common but this behavior just developed in Ella over the last couple of weeks and has become more pronounced.

    When I get ready to go out the front door to go to work Ella will start nipping at my heels and clothing. Since it is winter and going outside is a whole production she has ample time to prance and spin around and bite at my clothes and shoes. It is not overtly aggressive, it is mostly playful. But I sense their is an element of "I don't want you to go and I am going to try to stop you" to it. Is she demanding that I stay, or just excited about the activity at the door? FYI-This happens just after she has had her morning walk so she knows she isn't going outside.

    This is the same dog that took several months to bond with me and who never gives me any sort of greeting when I come home. Strange.

  • @bcraig:

    I assume what I am about to describe is pretty common but this behavior just developed in Ella over the last couple of weeks and has become more pronounced.

    When I get ready to go out the front door to go to work Ella will start nipping at my heels and clothing. Since it is winter and going outside is a whole production she has ample time to prance and spin around and bite at my clothes and shoes. It is not overtly aggressive, it is mostly playful. But I sense their is an element of "I don't want you to go and I am going to try to stop you" to it. Is she demanding that I stay, or just excited about the activity at the door? FYI-This happens just after she has had her morning walk so she knows she isn't going outside.

    This is the same dog that took several months to bond with me and who never gives me any sort of greeting when I come home. Strange.

    When Buddy gets excited/playful he bites at my heels and leg and maybe warp the paw around my ankle from behind to stop/trip me. Maybe even bite at my shoe strings. 😃

    The bw I had, Nika used to bite lightly at my leg sometimes when I had to leave out the door.

  • My B does the same thing. No greeting upon my arrival home, but when I leave it's him nipping (playful of course) at my leg, trying to grab on to me with his paws, etc.

    When I get home, it's almost like he's just staring at me from the couch saying "Yea…. I got over it..... the couch stuffing made me forget about your departure".

  • Everyday I leave, Buddy get's little pieces of chicken breast treat piled on a paper towel and he so excited. I put it down and scoot out the door asap. He knows when it's getting close to when I have to leave and he follows me around the house "when are you gonna leave so I can get my treats"!

  • Hansel sits at the stairs so he can go to kennel and get a treat. He just sits there patiently watching, waiting, sighing, "COME ON MOMMA< LETS GET A TREAT!"

  • Nobarkus, I can't just set the treat down and scoot. I have to stand at the door, throw it and run. We call treats yummies at our house.

  • In my house Sonny will no longer take a treat from me because he thinks its a sign I'm leaving the house..He turns his head at me & starts to whine!!! I no longer even offer him a treat when I leave the house but so far he will only eat the treat if I leave it on the floor and he waits for me to be sitting on the couch before he'll touch it…MY CRAZY BASENJI!!

  • @sonnyboy:

    he will only eat the treat if I leave it on the floor and he waits for me to be sitting on the couch before he'll touch it…MY CRAZY BASENJI!!

    My B is sort of like that also. He won't take a treat from my hand, I have to leave it on the ground for him to inspect thoroughly and then he'll eat it.

  • My boy is 8 yrs old and I guess there are days he doesn't want me to leave for work. As I am going down the stairs to the garage he will stick his head through the rails and nip the sleeve of my coat. Kinda like hey where are you going? He doesn't do it every day. I would say 1 day out of 5.

  • Houston

    Otis has the same little quirks..he won't come in from outside should I call him in, in his mind that means " oh shoot, I am about to get crated", even though that is far from the truth..not even treats will bring him in, he rather sit out there in 30 or so degrees shaking his butt off, than to trust that he is not getting crated..crazy..

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Otis has teh same little quirks..he won't come in from outside should I call him in,, in his mind that means " oh shoot, I am about to get crated", even though that is far from the truth..not even treats will bring him in, he rather sit out there in 30 or so degrees shaking his butt off, then to trust that is not getting crated..crazy..

    Heh, I find it funny Kananga is so excited to go outside when put his leash/collar on. I always say to him "Now, are you absoloutely sure -10 degrees will be that exciting?".

    As soon as that subzero wind hits his face, he goes from happy to "let me do my business and let's get out of here!".

  • that's funny….sonny does a happy dance when I pick up his coat to go for our 6am walk in the morning. I'm sure not happy about it at that hour!:D

  • @sonnyboy:

    that's funny….sonny does a happy dance when I pick up his coat to go for our 6am walk in the morning. I'm sure not happy about it at that hour!:D

    I take Buddy at 4:30am. That should make you happy now. 😃

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