• I fed Nutro Natural Choice for years with excellent results then the company started to have recalls. I switched to a different brand for a long time and recently decided to give it another try. I switched back to Nutro a few weeks ago. Three of my dogs have been itchy and scratching bald spots in their coats. I coudn't figure out the reason until I discovered today that Nutro Natural Choice now has soybean oil in it. Soy is a known allergen and I suspect it is the cause of my itchy dogs.

    Does anyone else here feed Nutro and if so, are your dogs itchy?

  • I'm feeding Nutro right now and no sign of itchiness….

  • Yes, I went from Innova to Natural Choice…itchy...going back to Innova now....

  • Mine have been on Nutro for years, usually not a problem. I do have the heat on now though (brrr) and they are itching, I think, because they like to stand on top of the heaters and dry out their skin! No reaction from the food though, I don't think.

  • I took down my 55 gallon aquarium a few months ago and since then it has been really dry in the house. I thought at first that may be the reason for the itching but I am leaning towards the food now. I'll try changing brands to something without soybean oil in it and if their itching stops, I will know it's the food. If the itching continues then it may very well be the dry air in the house.

  • Robyn, our house is super dry too…but the itching started towards the end of summer, when it wouldn't have been so dry....

  • Update: As soon as I switched the dogs to a different brand the itching stopped and the hair has started to grow back. I think it is safe to say they were allergic to something in the food. I was also feeding the puppies Nutro Natural Choice puppy food and although they had gorgeous coats they just weren't doing very well on it. I will never use nor recommend this brand of food again.

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