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  • Can't believe it's not a basenji

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    Sounds like that dog needs a nail trim. (long nails are my pet peeve… that sound on my floor would make me nuts} -Joanne
  • With 'THANKS' to all of you

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    And to continue the Fopaw's theme here…. Kobey (Emerant Fopaw TriWizard At Tanza) had his very first Novice Rally shows yesterday and today. Yesterday he scored a 95 and 4th place for his first Rally Leg... today, he scored 98 and 1st place for his second Rally leg... Pass along my HI to Kevin... and tell him to give Therese a hug for me!!!!
  • Where's AJ #20

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    So, I guess I couldn't have seen you in my recent trip throught the city of flying pigs (for those unaware, there is one). Two hours of stop and go southbound, trying to get to the airport. I was in the backseat and looked at every truck on the off chance there might be an AJ sighting. Obviously, no luck, as you were a few time zones away :) Had I seen AJ, I might have jumped out of the car I was in and jumped into your truck for a couple of miles…just to say 'Hi'...that's how slow going it was. My advise, for north or southbound, take the by-pass...but what do I know? There were plenty of trucks willing to wade through the traffic.
  • Where's AJ #17

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    Now I am in the mood for East Coast grub. lol
  • Where's AJ #13

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    AJs HumanA
    Aha!…But I didn't say largest living animals…I was speaking of the Great Grandfathers of Northern California, the Giant Sequoia commonly known as Redwoods. :D
  • Next Where's AJ…going?

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    AJs HumanA
    I've been trying to do that…it's not as easy to reach the distinctive landmarks with a semi as with other vehicles, including RV's. All the really cool places have signs up that say "No Trucks" and it really bums me out. I understand, though, because there are so many truck drivers who just throw their trash where ever they want instead of find a garbage can. And they pee on the ground rather than expend the extra energy to walk 75 feet into the bathroom. Trucker areas reek to an eye-watering level in hot areas because of this. But I do try to find distinctive landmarks when I can...the little lake in Minnesota, the rock formation in Colorado, coastal trees in North Carolina.... I will try to find more landmarks I can access.