• Poor Dallas has a very swollen anus. I noticed it was very large when I visited him twice at the shelter before adoption. On the way home from the shelter, Dallas was crying and licking his behind. I stopped and took him for a long walk. He strained and strained to pooh and release the fluids.

    Dallas was also neutered yesterday.

    My guess is knowing how clean Basenjis are that Dallas did not pooh in his cage/crate at the shelter. Every time I visited him, he'd pooh enough for four dogs! Could not going regularly have caused this condition?

    Dallas will see the vet on Monday. In the meantime, I want him comfortable.

    I cooked fresh pumpkin this week and gave him about 1/8th of a cup in his food. Also, I washed his butt with warm water and ACV.

    What do y'all think?

  • Houston

    I think that you did good. I know that you can express the glands on your own, I just don't know how to do it..maybe somebody will come on and help you, if not the vet will, of course. Meanwhile, the warm water ACV compresses will make his buttocks feel better.

    He is probably very sore form the neuter as well, and I know my two dogs in the past, they starined the first day or two,maybe even three, so it could be a combination of both..

  • @Basenjimamma:

    I think that you did good. I know that you can express the glands on your own, I just don't know how to do it..maybe somebody will come on and help you, if not the vet will, of course. Meanwhile, the warm water ACV compresses will make his buttocks feel better.

    He is probably very sore form the neuter as well, and I know my two dogs in the past, they starined the first day or two,maybe even three, so it could be a combination of both..

    Good to know that straining is common. He is fiesty today - but marking his territory. How long does that go on? Grrrr.

  • AJ still marks every once in a while. Not very often, though, because I don't give him enough time. He knows when we stop to pee, he better "git-er-done" or he'll have to hold it a while longer. I'm not sure if the habit ever completely goes away after they've been doing it a while. I hope he's not doing it in the house!:eek:

  • My herding dog/terrier mix still marks a lot. (in and out of the house) He was neutered at about 18 mos, I know it was done right because I was a tech at the vet clinic that did it. Watched it done. He still marks, still mounts, and still chatters, clicks and foams if he gets near a bitch a heat. He's a bit over 9 now. I think how much effect neutering will have on behavior is very dependent on the individual dog.

    This same dog had severe anal gland problems. They would get impacted and infected. After several infections, we finally had them removed, but he still occasionally scoots, the vet can't find anything. I think he just got used to it.

    My mom's current dog needs her anal glands emptied about once a month, but has never had them get impacted and infected like Petey's got.

    EDIT: I think you did well with the ACV and pumpkin. Once he is on good food and his stool is more solid, he wil probably be able to empty the anal glands himself.

    This pic on wikipedia, WARNING, GRAPHIC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Anal_gland_abscess.JPG shows a pretty severe anal gland abscess, but that is similar to what Petey's would look like, placement WRT the anus is about the same, but his glands were much smaller, and usually would get infected on both sides. My mom would say that they looked like giant blueberries. Made it hard for me to eat blueberries for many years.

  • Maybe he still scoots because sometimes it just feels good to scratch his bottom?

  • Usually scooting means the anal glands are bothering them/are full. If the poop is too loose it won't push against the glands to express them so the fluid can build up. The pumpkin will help. Some pet stores that have grooming will express the glands for you cheaply. Right now as a matter of fact Buddy's anal glands are quiet smelly. It happens once in a while. He's not scooting or anything.

  • @AJs:

    Maybe he still scoots because sometimes it just feels good to scratch his bottom?

    😃 Best laugh I've had all day.

    Dallas is better today - now if he will stop humping all the dogs and marking his territory, I'd be happy. He is a rough tough little character. I've yet to feel his body relax or see him look for a comfortable spot. Dallas does not know doggy luxury. Poor babe.

    Thanks for the info, Nicole. It is always good to know what to expect. I'm not use to male dogs.

  • Mr. Nobarkus, are you saying you don't like a good fanny scratch every now and then? 😃

    Or is that subject material for a different forum?

  • @AJs:

    Mr. Nobarkus, are you saying you don't like a good fanny scratch every now and then? 😃

    Or is that subject material for a different forum?

    Correct, Nobarkus' scooting problem is a different thread thank you.:D

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