put in a doggy door so he can go in and out as we wsih. Trust you have a fenced back year..... 4 ft fence does not cut it.....
New member
Jeff and Donna,
so sorry to hear about your loss, it never is easy to loose someone that you have been close to for so long.
Good luck in your adventures of adopting Ernie. We can't wait to meet hm.. -
Thanks all for your comments. Weare truly thankfull for all of your help. Jeff
Greetings and welcome to the forum. This is a great place to exchange stories, find information, and make friends. Always nice to have people who understand where you are coming from in our experiences with our Basenji's purebred or mix.
Thanks for the welcome. Jeff
Welcome to the forum! It's a great place to get info and share stories. I'm in Ohio also.:)
Bart thank you form a fellow buckeye. Jeff
Welcome. When do you expect to get Ernie home? Hope all goes well for you.
Welcome Jeff and Donna, sorry to hear of your loss. I joined the forum when i lost Benji and its been so helpful.
Great that you are adopting Ernie -
We are hoping to bring Ernie home 11/10/09 Donna and I are taking a vac. 10/31/08 to 11/08/09 Jeff
Welcome and I am so sorry to hear of your loss they are our children. I am very happy to hear of your new baby Ernie can hardly wait to see pictures. I know you said fellow buckeye in Ohio but I have Uncle Bing in my front yard it is a buckeye tree.
Rita Jean
Welcome to the forum Jeff, keep us updated about you new pup!
Welcome to our group! Congratulations on your new adoption and keep us informed on how it goes.
Welcome to the fourm, look forward to hearing you adventures with Ernie. I am also a fellow buckeye. Living in central Ohio.
Good morning my wife and I returned form vac. Sat. We picked up Ernie yesterday. Ernie is all Basenji he is a 2.5 yr old tri. Ernie is very smart he sets stays rollover plays dead , and upon returning home we found out he loves too chase our two cats, not good. We will have to work on that behavior. I hope too have pictures soon not quite sure how to download yet .Once again thanks for all the welcome e-mails Jeff and Donna
Thanks for the update, glad you have got Ernie. Can't wait to see some pics