Thoughts about feeding a raw diet?
I have also fed raw but it is the prep work that gets to me. If I could go and premake a month's worth of food so all I had to do was pull a bag out of the freezer every day I would do it. I am just not organized enough to get to that point. One big advantage feeding raw has over kibble, is variety. Since when you feed raw you vary your meats and vegetables you also decrease the bioaccumulation if one of those things is contaminated. When you feed kibble your pet will bioaccumulate more of the contaminant over a shorter period of time because it is all they are eating.
Bioaccumulate….hmmm....that must be what has happened on my butt! :rolleyes:
Bioaccumulate….hmmm....that must be what has happened on my butt! :rolleyes:
Hey, that explains it!!! ggg… and not only my butt, but my "gut" too!
LOL! Me too…both rhyming body parts. Thanks for the laugh, Andrea...I was reading it and didn't "get it" at first...I'm reading your prior posts in this thread looking for "butt"...then I re-read it and literally laughed out loud!!