Some years back, during our Shiba Inu and Jindo period our Jindo developed a terrible rash and wht with her licking turned into huge hot spots, loss of hair and everything. Our vet narrowed it down to a grain alergy, suggested we go to an avocado based food, AvoDerm. Within 2 weeks she stopped itching and chewing, and 6 months later all her hair was grown out. As time went by she developed a beautiful luxurious coat, never had another problem with alergies or skin problems. We realize that B's dont have the long double coats like Shibas or Jindos, but our philosophy is if it ain't broke don't fix it, so we have just continued feeding AvoDerm to our B's as we accumulated our pack. The main problem with it is, if we feed them as reccomended they gain weight, so we really have to watch their diet.
Hello from Pennsylavania!
He is cute, but I would think more of a shepard mix
I would have to see the whole body of the dog..front and sideways to give a guess.
BUT what a cute face! -
thanks for all the quick reply's! i will post more pictures when i get on my home computer.
ohh. absolultely adorable, what a face..
Boy what a cutie! He may very well have Basenji in him - those ears are so big, and his expression is delightful. I'm sure he will bring you lots of joy.
What a pretty baby! I am in the same boat as you, oh, and I also live in Pennsylvania!
I want to know about my dog as well. The vet said what she thought my little mutt-puppy is, but I want to know what some owners think!
I LOVE Harley's ears!! -
He's so cute-and those ears! He should grow into them though.
Adorable. Doesn't matter what anyone says, keep the pics coming.:)
What a pretty face and the ears speak to me of a Basenji. I am with others who cares mix or not just a little love. I have Shiba when I can see more pictures let you know if there is that look from what I can see. Sweet puppy.
Rita Jean
He is adorable!!! And yes … I think there is the Basenji in him. Give him a huge hug from me!
Welcome to the forum, Harley is very cute