One of our two Basenjis - a 9 year old male - was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism some months ago.
Symptoms were occasional loss of orientation, wobbling eyes and seizures (of a few minutes resulting in his lying on his side twitching & sometimes shrieking). He also lost weight and coat condition, having a variable appetite. Later he had chronic diarrhoea which subsequently turned out to be a campilobacter infection which was successfully treated with antibiotics and steroids. He has been clear of this for three weeks now.
The hyperparathyroidism was treated with daily calcium/vitD tablets and this certainly got rid of the symptoms.
When he finally came off his antibiotics/steroids he reverted to being uninterested in food or anything else. He then went back on steroids a week ago & began returning to normal in terms of interest and food though with no real weight gain.
Once more though his twitching & disorientation symptoms have returned with reduced appetite.
Has any member had a similar experience &, if so, what was the outcome? We are now fearing something more deep-seated is at work. Of course we will be back at the vet's tomorrow but any additional information here would be gratefully received.