Nemo, BRAT will take him, but lets see if the owner will turn him over to BRAT first.
Bless your heart for the offer.
He's not asking for much, so hopefully there is a good chance of that. I think he just wants the dog off his hands.
Here's good wishes and prayers going your way - that she comes home to you safely.
What a wicked thing for him to do!
As people have suggested i would also advise hanging around the area he left her, with pictures and talking to people. You could also offer a reward for her safe return.
Good luck, please keep us posted
So sad to read this.
What about contacting a local tv station - it might be they could do a story on it which would get the word out and possibly get her back…who cares if your husband (since he left anyway) is embarrassed by it. I wonder if the SPCA could criminally charge him for it - at least make it so he could never have a pet again.
I have family around Houston and Huffman and I've sent them the picture of Pearl and have asked them to send the info to everyone they know in the area. I pointed out to them that anyone who would dump an animal would also lie about where they dumped it. So I asked them to tell everyone they know, anywhere around Houston.
Hugs and prayers..
Thanks for everyones help! A family found her and I swa the note on the pole. I was so excited I hugh=ged the laday and the kid. We are happy.
Thanks again for all your help and good wishes.
Awesome news, Monica..happy ending indeed.