1st Show for Jaycee
The AKC lady told us was a good thing that we had entered Jaycee in amateur beacuse she was in season Eli could not have showed her as a junior handler. Since Eli and Jaycee had 1/2 hour of class to learn how to show and act and so on amateur he and Jaycee were. Comming into season could not have been timed any worse. The AKC lady told us she would have Eli stay in amateur for now.
Rita Jean
I think I will see a few of those people in Springfield this weekend (it's a 4 point major!). I've never tried the amateur-owner handler class before, they don't seem to offer it everywhere. But, I guess it's probably a good one to get yourself in the winners ring because not many other people are probably using.
This is the first year that it is offered, it replaced on of the other classes that used to be offered. But it is no mandatory to be offered. I think it is a great class for owner handled dogs to use
It was really good for Eli since he really was amateur. I do not think he was treated any different then the rest I just think it helped if he really would have messed up. Like when he and Jaycee were going around in ring she stopped to pee and Eli saying come on we have to go.
One of the lady's there told us a story few weeks ago her dog took a poop in the house and she said he knew better so he got into trouble for it. Next week they went to dog show and the dog in front of them stopped in ring took a poop. She said her dog looked at that like o no not that again I did not do it she had to pull him around it to get him to going.
Rita Jean
Thank you Pat we had walked her many times but it must not have been enough at least it was not poop thank goodness. I have never been around a breed of dogs that most if not all females of that breed were in season at same time.
Rita Jean
Yes, makes it quite an "impossible" situation… especially for the males...