Congo: WA - One-Eyed Brindle B

  • My experience is that brindle boy basenjis are the most perfect dogs. Mine has never done anything wrong and has full house prividges even when we're not home. Always has. I was hoping you could place him near me so that I could see him often and maybe help train him. But, unfortunately, I'm not in the market for another pup.

    Jonny b - maybe with only one eye this one would only see 1/2 the squirrels, rabbits, leaves and birds

  • What a beautiful boy!
    I could fill my home with Basenjis - anyone else feel the same?
    Prayers that he finds a lovely home.

  • @Vicki:

    What a beautiful boy!
    I could fill my home with Basenjis - anyone else feel the same?
    Prayers that he finds a lovely home.

    Ha, ha, ha…yeah, I guess you could say that I could fill my home with basenjis - I have added one a year for the last 3 years. 🙂 although this last one counts for at least 2 (I have my hands full). :D. So I can take off at least a year before I add another. :D:D

  • @jonny:

    HE sounds perfect. what is the going rate for him and a plane ticket? daughter has a room mate that owns the house so that is the Point of question. he is so beautiful.. i am not sure i will be able to let him go. lol…. but i do NOT NEED another b in my house. 2 is pretty busy. i am POSITIVE i cannot walk another one. those two drag me silly. 🙂
    squirrels and rabbits are NOT my friends. and blowing leaves, and birds, and ... well you get the idea. lol

    If she's serious she needs to fill out a BRAT app ASAP, we already have 2 other applicants on him.

  • Will my applicant count or she needs a new one of her own? thanks! and do you know the prices? that will make a difference/ 🙂
    if not how /who do i contact to find out how much? thanks

  • @jonny:

    Will my applicant count or she needs a new one of her own? thanks! and do you know the prices? that will make a difference/ 🙂
    if not how /who do i contact to find out how much? thanks

    His adoption fee is $325, and she needs to fill out her own app seems the dog would be living with her correct?

  • She is in love with him but if you have someone to take him she will wait for someone closer to take him…. BUT please, please , please contact us if you cannot find him a good home. WE WILL TAKE HIM if you need us too. thank you!

  • @jonny:

    She is in love with him but if you have someone to take him she will wait for someone closer to take him…. BUT please, please , please contact us if you cannot find him a good home. WE WILL TAKE HIM if you need us too. thank you!

    Jonny, Congo was snatched up in less than a week! He really is a gem and he'll have a full time companion as well (3 year old Female 😎 which he really needs as he's so playful and loves to snuggle. I can't tell you how many times my 80 lbs ridgeback puppy has plopped himself practically on top on Congo and he's just chill with it all.

    Bless our adopters! To look past his flaw of only having only eye and seeing what a truly golden boy he is was so great! His neuter went fine and he travels to his forever home this Saturday.

  • This is great news. Bless these folks for seeing past the 'problems' and opening their home and hearts to this fella. I am sure he will show them how much he appreciates the good life.

  • Great ending with a new loving home. His one eye is not a problem none of us humans are 100% right.

    Rita Jean

  • Rita Jean,

    I'd say those of us who are owned by Basenjis must be less that 80% right, in the head anyways…lol

  • Fantastic news for Congo, Yaaaaaay !

  • Congo was very lucky to have Andrea offer to take him in and foster him. Without her, we wouldn't have been able to rehome him as quickly as we did.
    BRAT does need foster homes..its a bother, it can be a pain, but oh, when you see a dog turn around, its wonderful.
    If any of you have time, we can sure use you!
    Andrea..your wonderful!

  • @agilebasenji:

    My experience is that brindle boy basenjis are the most perfect dogs. Mine has never done anything wrong and has full house prividges even when we're not home. Always has.

    i just laughed out loud when i read this - because my brindle boy lenny is the most mischevious little thing EVER!!! love him to death though….

    happy congo has a new home!

  • All b's are wonderful and they all are BAD..but we are the reason they are bad…we haven't learned exactly what the b's require!

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    i just laughed out loud when i read this - because my brindle boy lenny is the most mischevious little thing EVER!!! love him to death though….

    okay, so who has the "defective" brindle boy?

  • Thank you for finding Congo a home. We are truly sad that it wasnt us that was blessed, but we are JOYFUL he has a wonderful home. IF HE ever needs re-homed, hope he doesnt, please call us!

  • And of course we all know that all "Tris" are defective…gggg

  • I know Congo personally… I know who his breeder is and the lady that's had him the last year or so... I KNOW HIM... I'm curious about the other 2 B's that lived with him... I never met them but I know it was a male and female, the male was brindle and named Taz...

    Congo is about 11 months old so not yet 12 months... He lost his eye while a bigger dog attacked him not from the breeder... The lady that had him was a BYB and when I was there had over 20 dogs...Even time I visited she had different dogs and the older one would be gone (she never said were they went)... She had an older B Girl (the mother of my baby) that was put down because she wasn't social...the litter (my baby's litter) died because she over wormed them... The place was horrible when I was there, dirty, the dogs were always outside with not attention or stuffed in crates with WAY to many other dogs, one time she even had a 6 month old female in the yard with all those males and was in heat, the poor baby got bred to a HUGE male...

    I was so worried about Congo and the other 2 B's in the house when I found out that they were going through a devorce... I don't know if you are aloud to or even know about Taz and the little female but I'd love to know they are okay too...

    I'm glad Congo is okay... He's a VERY Sweet Boy and very loving, he loved to play with my B when we had play dates...

    By the way I can't remeber correctly but I think he's a Fanconi Affected (not 100%) both of his parents were Hopefully you guys test so that the new home knows for sure

  • Such disturbing news about the living conditions of the Basenjis.
    Thank goodness Congo has a home and is safe.

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