• Hello all,

    I'm new to this site, but I wanted to see if anyone knows more about Truman who is listed on the BRAT site. I emailed about him (yesterday) but haven't heard back… thought I'd see if maybe his foster parents are on this board...?


  • I got my Bboy from BRAT and I love him. However I still check the rescue site all the time. Truman is such a cute dog.
    Hope he works out for you!

  • I haven't heard anything back on him yet- I put in an inquiry last Saturday…?

  • Hi BDawg1005!
    Truman is quite a cute B! Im sorry to hear that you havn't heard anything back from BRAT yet. Im sure they will contact you soon. Good luck and keep us posted 🙂

  • Anyone know how long it usually takes someone to get back to you? Maybe the form didn't work right?

  • Mine was pretty quick.
    Maybe your form didnt work. You might try again.
    Did you fill out both the adoption form and also click on Dana Cole's name to email her?
    Good Luck and keep us posted!

  • Went ahead and filled out the adoption form and got the auto-response email from BRAT. At least I know THAT worked. My state coordinator contacted me and said the foster parents should be in touch. I STILL have not heard the first thing from them. (Initially wrote them Dec 30th) If I wasn't already a part of BRAT, this would be a REAL discouragement from the organization. I can understand people are busy, but at least acknowledge that you received the communication or have your email auto-respond and say you're out of town or whatever the case may be. You know? I'm pretty disappointed every time I check my email and there's no response. 😞

  • BDawg,

    Did you ever hear anything about Truman?

  • I finally heard from the foster family last night. Apparently Truman's description is a little off and they are working on updating it– BUT all the new information seemed to indicate he's not the perfect dog for us. Apparently he's SUPER busy and plays until the other dogs get snippy with him. We were looking for a more laid back boy. My husband thinks we should get a puppy though...

  • Sorry to hear that he will not be a good fit for you, I read his bio and thought what a great guy! I am sure that Truman is a great guy and will hopefully find a good home.

  • I know!! He seemed too good to be true!

    I have Basenji fever!!

  • I am a BRAT person and I have to tell you, its tough sometimes to get to everything you need to have for an accurate report for a dog someone is interested in.
    I try to make sure all the info I am putting out, good and bad, is correct.
    BUT if you have folks who aren't used to basenjis and give you a lot of bad info, it makes it tough to get the real picture of a dog who needs a home.
    We also don't get paid. so we try to work this in between work and family.
    Myself, I do this because I love it, but 2 or 3 times a year I take a week off.
    I try to make arrangements for people to contact prospective new homes, but they are busy as well…sometimes things do get dropped.
    I would just keep trying. We so work to be accurate with the info we send out.
    Sometimes we know lots about the dogs, sometimes not so much.
    Like the b/w boy I have now to rehome.
    Z was hit by a car, and the shelter in Wa picked him up.
    Road rash all over him...but SWEET, oh, my what a dear sweet boy.
    Dew claws, so not from a quality breeder, and we have him in foster care to get him total personality, but he is a totally wonderful boy.
    So, who knows what will show up at the shelter or in rescue?
    Its all a grab bag.
    Just keep looking and your dog will show up.

  • sharronhurlbut, thanks! 🙂 I actually ended up rescueing Miles- a basenji I found myself on petfinder. I am a BRAT agent- I haven't fostered or adopted, but I have helped in shelter evals and also home evals for potential applicants. Check out my latest addition under Show Off Your Dog- Miles: A Rescue 🙂

  • Oh, I will.
    I love happy endings when dog and family find each other.

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