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Pooping Match Trick Safety?

Basenji Training
  • I have used the match trick at shows, or while traveling, but I usually only need to do it one time, maybe two in a row. And I also NEVER use the sulfur side…but I know breeders who do. The stick side will produce the same result without burning the mucous membranes inside the rectum. I have no idea if there can be any damage done by the using the chemical end of the match in the bottom, but I, personally don't want to risk the possibility. There is definitely no risk to using just a plain stick...I have even used a stiff blade of grass before, with some success.

  • @JWU1684:

    yeah! good guess! i posted a pic of him if you want to see a recent of him

    he's really an amazing dog in every single way except the pooping (or lack thereof).

    I'm just trying to find an alternative way of getting him to go without having to use the matches!

    I saw your pic! OMG…That is so cool that you have, love, love that dog!!! In fact, after I borrowed him to take with me to a handling clinic in NY this spring I wanted to keep him! :D:D You are so lucky...he is a WONDERFUL sweet dog!

    I think Agile has it right about clicker training him to poop. All three of my basenjis go on command, you could try that. Or I bet a clicker would work even better because he'd catch on to that faster. Have you done any clicker training is really easy.

    The diarrhea could be because of the stress...or it could be a bug of some sort. Have you changed his food lately - that would also do it. I don't seem to remember any diarrhea as a result of matching, but then again I don't do it too often.

    If separation anxiety is the issue (I seem to remember him being great in his crate), maybe you need to add a friend for him so he has another basenji to keep him company during the day! ;) He played with my girl Ruby that whole weekend in NY and loved her - they were maniacs in the hotel room. :D:D

  • @Quercus:

    I have used the match trick at shows, or while traveling, but I usually only need to do it one time, maybe two in a row. And I also NEVER use the sulfur side…but I know breeders who do. The stick side will produce the same result without burning the mucous membranes inside the rectum. I have no idea if there can be any damage done by the using the chemical end of the match in the bottom, but I, personally don't want to risk the possibility. There is definitely no risk to using just a plain stick...I have even used a stiff blade of grass before, with some success.

    Your right Andrea… I forgot about the sulfur side, I don't use that side either.. (and usually used when traveling or at shows...)...
    And I usually carry with me the little wooden matches.

  • thanks for the responses so far everyone!!! please continue to respond if this is the first time you are reading this post or if you think of something new

    things i plan to do:

    • split his meal into two portions during the day
    • add more fiber to his diet
    • try clicker training
    • use the wood side of matches only if i have to
    • find him a lady basenji friend =) I've already been trying and have already made a post in the wanted ads area of the forum - great replies there as well

    On a side note - this forum is great! many thanks for the numerous welcomes and being able to voice concerns and get answers on such a special breed

  • I have Kananga's meals split up into 3. 2 "full" meals in the morning and early evening, and 1 "small" meal right before bedtime (he doesn't like sleeping on an empty stomach).

    I find he will have bowel movement each time I take him out, if I let him. He's taken out 3x per day. Morning, early evening (as soon as I get home) and right before bedtime. Essentially when he's fed. He never complains. If I let him take his time he will have a bowel movement each time he is taken out, although I find if I let him do that, his stools will not be firm. If he only has a bowel movement twice a day, his stools firm up. He rarely ever has less than 2 bowel movements in a day unless he's being fussy and I give him a time limit when we're outside. Now, when we go on a walk he will have a bowel movement when we first get outside, and then another one during the walk. I always have to bring an extra bag with me. I'm guessing the walking and excitement force him to go. They're never firm stools when that happens though.

    Oddly enough, I've had plenty occasions where he's taking his time, and then he'll get excited about something (another dog or person) and it will trigger a bowel movement. Anyone else have that happen? It's odd and humorous at the same time.

    He's a strange one. :)

    I actually wonder at times if it's an issue like IBS. I've read about how dogs who have anxiety issues can trigger IBS. Kananga is certainly the anxious type and very well could be dealing with that. I'm working on addressing the anxiety itself to help reduce this issue. I also add a probiotic to his food to help the digestion process. I've been using "calming" drops in his water to level his anxiety. It's not 100% effective, but it has been helping.

  • In the past I have used the match trick very regularly for both Jibini and Tana. I drove a truck OTR for 5 years, during which time Jibini was with me the whole time, and we adopted Tana about a year before I quit driving.

    Jibini is one of those who is PICKY about where he will poop. He has to have tall grass and soft ground. Will only reluctantly poop on mowed grass- and getting him to go out in the desert, or when it's raining….is like pulling teeth.

    Being a truck driver, we ran into tricky poop situations quite often. We'd spend a week or so in the deserts of California and Arizona with no grass, no matter where we went (or painstakingly manicured lawns with 'no dogs' signs). Once in a while I'd have an inner-city or warehouse delivery where there was no grass- just concrete- within walking distance. I delivered in downtown Seattle once, where there was "curb your dog" signs everywhere. The match trick ensured Jibini pooped exactly where I wanted him to- in the gutter.

    Even now, the match trick is my old standby in the rain or if I am in a hurry- if I know I'll be leaving for 5-6 hours and the dogs are taking their time. My house now is surrounded by mowed grass- and the cow pasture out back had cows in it until a week ago so I couldn't take Jibini waiting for him to poop on his own takes forever.

    I've used the match trick frequently since Jibini was about a year old. I haven't seen any evidence that he or Tana is "dependent" upon it the way humans will become with suppositories. Give him the right set of circumstances and he'll poop just fine; give him less than ideal pooping substrate and he'll take all day....he's always been that way.

    I also use the wooden side- and I have also found that in a pinch, the stem of a long blade of hay-grass (or those little Y-shaped grass weeds people get in their lawns) will work just fine. Anything stiffer than grass but not rough or bumpy like twigs. :)

  • Hey Woofless… exactly right on...ggg.... there are reasons for sure to use the "match" trick... for sure... and certainly you have shown many, many reasons at times that they need a little "help" to hurry them along......

    Typically mine will "poop" when taken outside on a leash in the winter when it is raining in California (they get totally spoiled for 7 to 8 months of the year with no rain)... but I have found as they have aged.. they "forget" why they need to go out... and if needed I will also resort to the "match" trick... It keeps their mind on their "business".....

  • I didn't realize that Gossy was also exceptionally picky about her poop site - she wouldn't do it in the back yard just on walks - only I didn't catch on to that until recently. Not a problem when I get home from work becaue I always take her for a walk then. But now that it is getting darker in the morning, walks are becoming increasingly impossible - and I can't just leave her in the yard without watching because she'll just hunt squirrels or sit on the steps or everything but poop. So after several days of swearing and impatience on my part, I finally realized this is a "teachable moment" - and have given her more time in the yard and started giving her special treats and praise as soon as she does her job. It is starting to work.

  • I have always, with all my dogs now and in the past used praise and "treats" when they gone potty #1 or #2, so now all I do is say go do your thing and they will, maybe not right then and there, but at least with in a few yards of when I told them..

    Now all my dogs I gave had since puppy hood, so I don't know how quick an adult dog would catch on, but just like with everything else, if the motivation(read treats) is there, they will learn..

  • Sometimes it's more a matter of teaching us than teaching them :D

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    How exciting! Caesar never had training problems, but Beta was a wreck. She was an angel the first 6 months and then she began peeing in any room that i wasnt in. At the time i had a townhome where the bedrooms were all upstairs. I had the stairs gated and my basenjis had full roaming of the living room dining room and the kitchen which was visually blocked by the kitchen countertop from the living area. Once Beta hit 6 months she began changing or adjusting to the home and the other animals (Caesar and the 4 cats). She became snarfy, she became food aggressive, and she started to sneak out of my sight to pee on the kitchen floor or in Caesar's bed. The downstairs wasnt huge, so I didnt understand that the area was too big for her. In her case, she was asserting herself as alpha to the other pets in the house. Beta had a very difficult life before I adopted her and it took me 2 years to finally teach her that you pee only on grass. I am not saying that your pup is pooping for the same alpha reason, but here is what I had to do to get her to stop. I was so frustrated and knew that she was no where near ready for basic training. I knew she was adjusting. I understood that what she was doing was behavioral not physical. I brought in a trainer who becan to work with her because I was out of ideas. He suggested that the area she had to roam in was too large even though it seemed incredibly small to me. He told me to keep her harness and leash on inside the house. This made Beta aware that I was on top of her. If she went into the kitchen, I was there holding the leash. If she was in the living room sitting, I was there. Sometimes I just attached the leash to my pants to make it easier. She never peed in front of me and basically stopped the behavior because I was with her. The other major thing I found that helped Beta with settling down was exercise. She required a lot more exercise than Caesar. When I moved to a place with a fenced yard or took her to the dog park she could just burn that energy off. I found with Beta, that treat training would just not work for her. She would get extremely excited about treats, but her behavioral problems were mostly affected by my actions and attention. Food didnt matter. Caesar was really easy with training because I adopted him as a puppy. I could use the crate for time outs and he understood and would improve. Beta lived in a cage for over 1year and a half straight which was too small and in her own filth. I couldnt and wouldnt use the crate as time out for her. She liked going to the crate, and going to the bathroom in her crate was easier for her because it was her environment for so long. Her problem was adjusting to the world outside. So, restrict the area and keep a leash on her. She may be getting too much free roaming space too soon. Can't hurt to try it. She will soon forget what she was doing. And dont forget to get that Natural's Magic (I think that is the name) for pet smells in the carpet at your pet store. This should keep her from revisiting the same spot if she is doing that.