Hi @2baroos , the vet has checked for a UTI and she is healthy. I have tried thunder jackets with her and she tears it off with assistance from her companion. I'm afraid she will certainly remove anything we put on her, especially diapers. We're trying to discourage her from peeing in the crate at all. She used to sleep in a cardboard box that she loved and started to completely destroy it once the anxiety started, now she shreds her bedding and pees on it. I know how this must be really upsetting to her and am trying my best to take care of her.
Hi from Shetland
Welcome to the forum! Marley is a great looking Basenji! Thanks for posting the pic!
Welcome and Marley is beautiful. Send us more pictures and thank you.
Rita Jean
Hello and welcome:D Marley is lovely:D
Hi all He's a bit of a toerag :rolleyes:
Hi all He's a bit of a toerag :rolleyes:
He wouldn't be a true Basenji if he wasn't:D
Is he one of Victoria's litter?
He wouldn't be a true Basenji if he wasn't:D
Is he one of Victoria's litter?
Kinda figured it came as a standard setting!
Yeah he's one of Victoria's
Hi Caz,
Great to see you on here at last! It's an even better time-waster than Facebook!
Victoria. x
Hi Caz, welcome to the forum - Marley looks a cracker.
Hi Victoria, thought be best to wade in
Welcome to the forum!
Hi Caz and Marley,
welcome to the forum, it's great -
Hi to both of you and welcome onboard.
Marley looks lovely..like a little bit of trouble.. -
Hi! Welcome to the forum!
Hi all!
Little bit of trouble? Big bit of trouble more like!
I know, or so I thought, I have an 8 mo.old boy and he is lots of trouble, but oh so worth it.
Hi Caz and Marley, welcome to the forum, the Scottish members will out number the rest of us soon!
Trouble is that really a word. Into everything is that possiable.
Rita Jean
Hi Caz, Marley is lovely. Welcome to the forum.
Marley is just wonderful - the picture with him against the purple flowers really makes his color stand out
Thank you for joining the forums and an added plus, the first post has a lovely picture with a pretty new pup. Hope you enjoy your time here.
I love your posts. "Toerags", "crackers", and a 'Big bit o trouble' had me laughing. I actually think 'toerag' might be a good nickname for my next Basenji–-if I ever lose my mind and get another:D.