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Lost basenji in New Philadelphia, Ohio

Lost and Found Basenjis
  • Sadly, no, I had not had her chipped…it was on my list to do. I am filled with guilt, regret, and grief. I will have my other two chipped ASAP! Please keep your basenjis safe my friends! It only takes a minute and then they are gone...I still can not believe my Dot is missing! Thank you all for reading. I think this forum will help me cope with this. I am so glad I found it. I can feel like I am doing more. My next step is BRAT, then

  • I can only imagine how awful you feel, as I know I would feel the same. Prayers to you all. Keep looking. God bless.

  • I would also check the dog warden and any shelters, vet clinics, kennels, and doggie day cares.

  • I am so sorry you cannot find your dog. I wish you the best of luck I hope you can find your baby and soon. Don't give up hang in there.

    Rita Jean

  • oh, poor Dot. I'm sending good vibes and hope that you will find her safe and sound, hopefully with a full tummy and sleeping in a safe spot..waiting for you to come and bring her home. Please keep us updated..

  • So sorry Dot is missing, hopefully she will turn up soon.
    I once lost my little deaf white kitten, my aunt who was senile at the time put her out onto the main road. Fortunately a lorry driver picked her up and took her to his home. It was several months before we were reunited so keep positive :)

  • lish312, I don't know if you've checked craigslist but I did, in the akron/'canton area, and I saw one listing for found rust colored dog on aug 24th, I don't know if she is the one, but you might want to go on there and look, if not post a listing looking for her. Might even want to put that she is on meds. People tend to not want to keep other peoples pets if they are expensive. I hope this makes sense..Good luck.

  • Please also alert the local police and sheriff dept as well as the firefighters. Drop off a picture with your name and number to the dispatcher in case some one sees her, and radios in. Leave extra copies and ask them to post them in the squad room, locker room kitchen, common areas in the stations.

    Good luck and my prayers are with you.


  • You guys are all so wonderful. Thank you for the kind words and ideas. I will keep you updated. The world will know if I find my Dot. I am on my way to Craigslist right now! Thank you basenjimamma for looking there!

  • Any news yet?

  • I found this online, might be helpful..

  • Talk to mailmen and kids, these people are out and about in the neighborhood. Post a Lost flyer at your post office (if they'll let you). Take one of your basenjis with you "Have you seen a dog like this around?"

  • Dot has not yet been found, but the calls and help from neighbors and everyone is encouraging and means a lot.

    The craigslist rust colored dog was an older beagle mix…

    Today, a neighbor saw a small brown dog running with a small black dog near my driveway, but when I searched I didn't see any. There was a collar on the brown dog, which Dot was not wearing, but someone could have put it on her....A vet told me not to give up; they have found 2 lost/stolen dogs with other folks. I feel good that there are lots of eyes looking for her. I put out more flyers this past weekend, farther and farther out. I will keep searching everyday. Dot, please come home!

  • So sorry to hear that you have not found your little Dot yet. I am glad to hear that you have your spirits up and are still searching for her. Please don't give up yet, she will come back to you, I just know..

  • The link from basenjimamma was extremely helpful! It gave me the idea to again distribute "reminder" letters to my neighbors, since one of them saw a small brown dog near the driveway today….

    it has been 3 weeks today....what if Dot is unsure of where home is and needs lured to return? Do you all feel this breed would go feral quickly?

    On the website, there was a comment about "people feel coyote are dangerous to dogs" is something I have heard a lot in my search. That Dot was a victim....I do live in the country, but I won't let that sad possibility stop me from finding her.

    Thanks again to you all. Will update soon.

  • No news yet?

  • No news. Oh how today has been a really hard day for me. Missing her. She is the first thing I think about when I wake up. I think about her all the time… I read something today that said we need enough pain in our lives so that the joys are more meaningful and we need enough loss to appreciate what we have...give your dogs a big hug...and your human family too!

    Still hoping for Dot-bear's safe return...

  • Other notable places to try are…

    Off-leash park bulletin boards, as well as retail pet stores / shops usually have boards to tack on postings. I constantly check the bulletin board located at the front of our off-leash park. These are places where people with pets will go to on a regular basis.

    Grocery stores and coffee shops are places with high people traffic that usually have community boards that people can post on.

    When you get a chance to post a pic, try using pics that show markings only original to Dot or something that people may have commented on - like the infamous B tail. I've attached an example of our B's marking.

    To attach a pic...

    • click on the "go advanced" button. This will appear when you're replying to a post. You'll see it at the bottom of the page.

    • click on the paperclip looking icon if the pic is on your PC


    • click on the 'insert image' icon [the mountain and sun looking icon] if you have an image online

    Hope this helps with finding Dot…

  • Sorry to hear that you still haven't found her. I will keep praying you'll find her safe and sound.

  • Don't want to give false hope but there is a found red and white dog listed in the Dayton Daily News. I realize that its a bit far but stranger things have happened and we all know how much ground our B's can cover without even trying.

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