• Houston

    Ivoss said

    My husband's Environmental Toxicology instructor said on the first day of class, "Everything is killing you from the day you are born. It is just your choice on how quickly."

    That's how I feel about it…especially living in Hoston, Tx, the third (maybe fourth...) most polluted air in the states (?)...I love it how people are telling you, eating too much eggs will give you cholesterol, eating to much meat will do this, not eating organic will ...does it really matter if the air you breath daily is slowly killing you? Regardlless of where you live something is not good for you...global warming is seeing to that right..although I don't know about all that..

  • Apply diatomaceous earth outside on a day when there's no wind. Apply it sparingly and gently so as not to create a cloud of dust in the air.

  • Houston

    …and it only works while dry, not if put on damp soil or in water..or should I saw won't work as effectively. Like I said in earlier posts, my chickens don't have any mites or lice or fleas and I attribute that to the fact that I use DE constantly, and I use it in their feed and I have yet to have to use a "real" wormer..

    Make usre it is food grade diatomaceous earth as the pool grade is very toxic for this useage..

  • What about in the Only Natural Pet Store they have the following what do think about it?

    Sentry Natural Defense Flea & Tick Squeeze On
    Also have Brewer's Yeast and Garlic Tablets.
    Fleabusters RX for fleas plus.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    The Sentry one is the one with clove oil in it that made our miniture Schnauzer mix's eyes swell shut and boy let me tell you it is strong smelling, lovely if you like clove, cinnamon and lemon smell, kind of like a christmas candle. Ps. they do sell this at walmart and the various large pet stores as well.
    I have tried brewer's yeast and garlic on my westie, Bogus, and it basically just seasoned him just right for the fleas to enjoy his blood even more, i.e did nothing…but I haven't tried the fleabusters RX..i wil check it out, thanks for the idea.

    just looked on the website and it wouldn't work for us, we have no carpet..and no fleas inside yet..

  • Houston

    This sound like they might be worth a try..I like the reviews
    Grrr-Lick Garlic Snacks for Dogs also on the onlynaturalpet.com site..

  • We have to do something because we do get fleas. Usually really bad from June through Sept. If we have mild winter they are still bad.

    Rita Jean

  • @Rita:

    We have to do something because we do get fleas. Usually really bad from June through Sept. If we have mild winter they are still bad.

    Rita Jean

    While we do not have a big flea problem in No. Cal… only once in a while... I have tried every "natural" product made... with NO success... I would rather trust the use of Frontline or Advantage.... and still you need to use a flea comb... for those of you in areas with a big flea problem... I would opt for the above.. then trying the natural. Even as far as spraying your yard... for that you can try the natural products... I know that most times when we have a flea problem it is due to stray/feral cats in the yard.. and other critters.... and of course when we get days of really hot weather. Also important is to clean/vaccum rugs/funiture as that is where the eggs are dropped and laid.....

  • I do sweep my carpets and it is everyday but one that is Saturday. Try to sweep furniture off once a week. I did learn a long time ago lay white piece of paper on floor off to side if you have fleas they will get onto to it. Then you at least know if you have them in house.

    I was just worried about using any of flea stuff now. We are using Advantage had no problem (yet). Thank you for information.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    Well put Tanza.

    I want to use the natural product, they simply don't deliver..I do use the chemical stuff, and it works. I think the reason we have so many fleas here in Texas is because we never see a freeze here so the fleas never die off from year to year. My poor Westie, Bogus struggled for many years with fleas and once we realized his metabolism was high, the vet put him on Frontline and Program in conjunction, he finally could live a life with out his e-collar. He litterally had that collar on for three years off and on so much that most of our friends were shocked if he wasn't wearing it..he would chew himself down to his flesh,not superficial but pretty deap, but once we tried the chemical route he was Ok..and for me that is what makes me still give my dogs chemical stuff, it works and their quality of life is better..

  • I've used Advantage for years on my cats and dogs - my animals live long healthy lives and the use of the Advantage has never proved to be a problem - fleas, on the other hand, can cause real problems and the "natural" things I have tried from time to time on advice from others have never worked. With Advantage (don't know about Frontline), we've not had a problem with fleas on the animals or in the house, and in Florida, fleas are a huge issue.

  • I no longer use the spot-on products - the last time it "burned" off the hair where it was applied.
    Fleas are not as big a problem up here in the north unless Gossy catches a flea-infested rabbit or chipmunk or is exposed to feral cats (as at some friends) (in which case I give her a vinegar bath right away) .

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