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Flea and worm control

Basenji Health Issues & Questions

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    I would never take a chance with heart worm... I use NuHeart that is just for heart worm... small pill once a month... we do not have issues with heart worm in NoCal but I do not take a chance. I use it year round. In the area that there is frost/frozen for the winter you can use it just in the spring/summer/fall months. For fleas/ticks I use frontline but only when I see fleas... again in NoCal not too much of an issue.. I need to use it maybe about twice a year and only when need or if I am traveling with the pups.
  • Allergy to flea or mite

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    8 Posts
    If you saw tapes, that is something that requires a specific med. My vet depends on me to see them because they do not show up on a fecal that shows the eggs of other worms. Tapes can come from ingesting a flea, and it's possible the shelter did not SEE the tapes, so didn't give med for it.
  • Flea Products

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    I have used frontline and advantage for over 20 yrs without issue, but I do the spray on frontline, not the top spot. I have had maybe 10 fleas in 6 yrs at most so I rarely use anything most years. See a flea? I hit them with frontline. It has been 4 yrs but I just found a flea so I ordered a new bottle on line from amazon. I know many give monthly pills but I hate giving my dog internal meds for external issues. (Except capstar, which I do use if I pick up a rescue with fleas and give it an hour or 2 to do it's job before taking it into my house!) As for natural, people swear by them, but study after study after study finds they do very little. Fleas carry disease. Some of the store brands are worthless, others report major issues. If they only got them at kennel, then you might luck out with one treatment but probably you need one now, one in a month, one in 2 mos and that should clear it. Cedar is toxic and no longer recommended at all (though some put in center of bedding, cover with other material, which is probably safe). Frontline and Advantage are safe for older dogs, and they have proven low rates of any issues if used right. Additionally, they sterilze the fleas so they help stop the problem.
  • Heart worm protection

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    Sadly the vets may simply not be that knowledgeable depending on their experiences and education if the products are not routinely used. To suggest not taking preventative measures appalls me. First, contact these folks. They have always been quick to respond to my questions and I am betting you they have resources to give you better research information and suggestions on whether products have actually been found resistant to flea/mosquitoes. They should also have advice on whether switching to the older daily meds provides more protection: While it is true that fleas may become resistant to some meds, first you would need a long term high usage which, let's be real– Guyana doesn't come to mind. Second, back up flea protection with flea/tick combing as suggested. Before Frontline, I had to flea comb my chow so really, it's not that big of deal I seriously doubt that heartworms are becoming resistant to meds. And while they didn't say not to, again, if they suggest that, to become resistant, they would need to survive, propagate more resistant offspring, etc. With the massive use of the drug here in the USA, we haven't seen resistance. So at least you can feel sure you can protect them. Additionally, heartguard helps protect against OTHER worms too. In South America, success has already been demonstrated with the reduction of heartworm infections across many countries. This can be attributed to: Better control programs for mosquito populations, resulting in a decrease in vector populations. Effective chemoprophylaxis for heartworm to prevent increase in number of disease carriers. Reduction of disease carriers with injectable ivermectin to kill existing microfilariae in dog populations. Side effect reduction of reproductive capacity of worms from ehrlichiosis control with tetracyclines. What concerns me is the mosquito issue. Frankly, not much has ever been proven to help a lot. I don't know how other types of mosquito borne diseases are there. You can help with different products, and I have found that neem tree oil spray works marvelous on humans. But here is a rundown for people products. Sadly most are not recommended for dogs due to likelihood of ingesting them.: Neem: Neem is a relatively new and promising botanical insecticide made from extracts of Neem tree seeds. It is used to control a wide variety of insects including leafminers, whiteflies, thrips, caterpillars, aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, scale crawlers, and beetles. Neem is most effective against actively growing immature insects. Azadirachtin, the active ingredient in neem extracts, has a very low mammalian toxicity. It acts as an insect feeding deterrent and growth regulator. Neem does not produce a quick knockdown and kill, but stops insect feeding. The treated insect usually cannot molt into its next life stage and dies without reproducing. Many commercial neem products exist, including Azatin XL, Neemix, SouthernAg Triple Action Neem Oil and Safer BioNeem. These products are labeled for use on ornamentals, foliage plants, trees, shrubs and food crops. Many neem products and formulations are also effective as a fungicide against powdery mildew.
  • Flea control

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    12 Posts
    @MacPack: We are in Florida and some years fleas are terrible in the summer. We use either Advantage or Frontline when we start to see a few fleas, and re-apply when we start to see fleas again, usually about every 6 weeks through the summer and fall. I have used it on an 18 year old with no problems. I feel that the problems fleas can cause outweigh the occasional use of a fairly benign chemical, and certainly keep the dogs more comfortable! If we lived where fleas were not a big problem, I would try some of the more natural remedies. Anne in Tampa You have an 18 year old? Wow how is he or she doing? I had a Tri color many years ago live to be 17-1/2.
  • Heartworm and flea prevention

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    7 Posts
    I have used it for about 3 months now. Seems to be doing good so far. I was Leary at first, I'm so used to the oral heart worm preventive !! Doesn't seem like something that goes on the skin could work as well. My Vet says it's great and she has been using it and advantage on her dogs since it came out.