You'd think I'd have learned my lesson too!

  • Houston


    Just FTR, these were raw bones

    I know, I just happen to back in the day, break the law and give my two boys leftover cooked bones, never after that incident though..

  • This is very ironic story. I am literally reading the comments how b's have destroyed property. My dog was just walking around and looking at the backyard. I was enjoying reading and noticed she wanted to go outside. When I got up, I noticed ripped toilet paper all over the floor! I just laughed to myself as I know toilet paper is no comparison to the above however my basenji is always up to something.

  • Just shows that one needs to keep a frequent eye on them - I'm afraid I get so engrossed on this d…. forum that I often lose track of mine!!!!

  • Y'know, everyone tells me my puppy will be better if I get her a companion - are these dogs "singles" like mine? Does that really work to have more than one? So far her damage is relatively simple - venetian blinds, which I've learned to keep up, couch pillows, not really torn up but scratched up - the fuzz off her dog beds - a couple DVD cases. But she's "on the move" constantly, demanding attention - normal for a puppy, I know, and that's when people say she should have another dog - what do you guys think about this subject?

  • Yikes! I actually feel lucky, never thought I would. My first B was crated for 9 years, so no problems. I came home one day and he met me at the door!! He had escaped from a wire cage! To this day, don't know exactly how! But, to my surprise, no destruction in the apartment. He didn't even get into the trashcan! From that day forward I left him out with no problems. He went to the Bridge and, not knowing new guy, I crated him for a while as well. Same thing, he escaped from the plastic cage, twice. I figured out how and fixed it and then my house got broken into. For the second time in 14 months. Just glad that, whoever it was didn't decide to "have fun" with my baby. Ever since then he's been out while I've been gone and I have had no issues. (I have, of course, Basenji-proofed as much as possible)

  • @Shaye's:

    Y'know, everyone tells me my puppy will be better if I get her a companion - are these dogs "singles" like mine? Does that really work to have more than one? So far her damage is relatively simple - venetian blinds, which I've learned to keep up, couch pillows, not really torn up but scratched up - the fuzz off her dog beds - a couple DVD cases. But she's "on the move" constantly, demanding attention - normal for a puppy, I know, and that's when people say she should have another dog - what do you guys think about this subject?

    I think 2 is better than one - but that may depend on what personality type you end up with. Our female is very active & the breeder of our boy did a fantastic job in selecting the most laid back pup of her bitch's litter to go home with us. He likes to sit around & chew on Nylabones. I would have him out all day & night in a minute, but our female is nowhere near that type of trust. I would come home to an absolute mess! In any case, I opted for 2 because I felt obligated to entertain Trinity all of the time & felt guilty if I didn't - now at least she has Denver to pick on! If I had ended up with 2 Trinitys…shudder

  • Holly:

    Gotta admit that is one thing keeping me from getting a second B - what if I wound up with another Shaye! Thinking of another kind of dog maybe, with a milder personality.

  • Shaye's Mom -

    That's what I was worried about too with getting a second one, but since we got to do a trial run with Keoki I was able to calm my fears. He is so calm and trustworthy, but he is also 6 years old.

  • @tanza:

    Be a bit careful with things like towels… if they shred/eat them the strings from terry cloth can cause blockages in the gut... and can even wrap around strangling the intestines....

    +1 Nemo ate a portion of a bath towel and had to have it surgically removed. I'm not sure what the weave is called (maybe terry cloth), but when ripped it is became very stringy and mananged to form this mass that was connected from his stomach into his intestines (I had the pleasure of getting to see it after it was removed). Luckily they were able to remove it by pulling it out through an incision in his stomach versus the intestines. So, watch out if it is that type of towel. I haven't had as much problem with fabrics that rip up into discrete pieces.

  • Oh, you can get a second basenji…just make sure its settled and a good house dog.
    We have plenty of them looking for good homes at the BRAT website.

  • @Kona:

    Shaye's Mom -

    That's what I was worried about too with getting a second one, but since we got to do a trial run with Keoki I was able to calm my fears. He is so calm and trustworthy, but he is also 6 years old.

    Yes, I understand Keoki and Kona are doing really well - wish I'd been at West Park the day you went over - unfortunately, Shaye had been spayed the Friday before, so we missed you, and them. We have been talking with a woman who has a 7 year old Jack Russell female - of course we were going to get her dog almost a year ago, before we got Shaye, and it fell through because she changed her mind, so, who knows, but Shaye really really needs another dog, I think - older, more calm.:rolleyes:

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