Pug Puppies Arriving Anyday
Congratulations to Gracie and Jess. The Pups are gorgeous and Gracie must be so relieved not to be carrying all that weight around in this weather.
Gracie is being a fantastic mum, except she wont clean them to make them pee/poo! She's cleaning faces and bodies, but not bums. Cant say i blame her lol!
Congrats on your new brood! Six pups…wow!!! Glad Gracie and kids are doing well.
Oh, and just wait 'til she tries to kiss you after she does some of that cleaning! :D:D
Beautiful pictures. They are adorable..and so is Gracie
how cute those pink noses on those black masks !
They are just too cute for words!
Thanks everyone!
All babies still doing fine. They had their dewclaws removed today.
Here's some pictures of Gracie in the garden while the babies were out. She is doing really well! better baby pics coming later, planning to take individual ones, they're sleeping now though!
And some baby pics from earlier
oh my goodness they are so tiny. Have you given them names yet? Gracie looks so relieved, no more weight in her tummy.
Awe big congrats, they are all so cute!!!
Congrats! What a great experience!
Sad news…. We lost one of the babies last night :(
He was the smallest of the litter and he was a bit slower than the others with putting on weight but he was fighting on and doing well. But he dropped some weight a couple of days ago so we started giving him "top up" feeds from a bottle between his feeding from his mum. But yesterday he went downhill very fast and there was nothing the vets could do for him :( Gracie is very upset. She is really, properly grieving. She just keeps cuddling around her other babies when they're feeding, like a cat. Poor girl. We've only lost two other puppies before. I always find it so hard to lose them as you really do get attached to them...
RIP little man.
This is him a couple of days ago... So gorgeous...
So sorry to hear about the loss of the little Pup, poor Gacie, give her a hug from me.
Oh, that is so sad. Give Gracie a hug from Otis and I and know that we will keep Gracie and the pups in our thoughts…
Thanks all. It is terribly sad, and they had all been doing so well, it was quite sudden really :(
Gracie is very protective of her babies now. If anything though, its made her a better mum! She is suddenly cleaning them lots (including bums which she hadn't been doing!!) and spending much more time in the whelping box with them. Im told that she is much more settled now. I think she was really upset last night when we lost him, poor girl..