@KhaiPan Pam and I are both stubborn opinionated people and without mutual respect, we'd be in constant battle. Instead, I love her. I watch her utter devotion to the dogs, to doing things right, to helping anyone who needs help. She isn't stuck in any idea... given proof and research, she'll reconsider. She is calming. đŸ™‚ Knowing you have someone personally in your corner navigating this helps a lot. Glad you contacted her.
Vitamin Supplement
Does anyone give their senior B's a vitamin supplement and if so what kind and are they flavored? I bought some Canine Plus Senior, however, the pills are quite big and they have a "smokey" flavor which is not going over very big. Thanks for any input!
I used to give my older Bs a supplement. Here's what I gave them
I don't have any elderly dogs anymore but when I did I gave them, "The Honest Kitchens" supplement, called "Invigor", it is more like an antioxidant, but it put the pep in their step..if you know what I mean. They also have something called "Lithe tea", which is good for elderly dogs aching joints. Their products are all natural and even tested for taste by human testers..yumm-o. My daughter thinks it all tastes pretty bad, but the dogs think otherwise and that is all that matters.
I just use Missing Link, and have recently switched over to the one w/ glucosamine for the oldsters. They're not that old, but they're heavy performance dogs.