• Welcome to our pack (gee didn't realize there were so many of the "royalists" here :)). You know what they say about a tri … they're tri-ing 😃

  • Welcome to you and Patrick - he sounds very typical and I hope you enjoy him!
    You'll enjoy the forum - everybody is very friendly and have so many interesting topics to talk about.

    How did you decide on the name?

  • Yes he is very typical of the breed - his nickname is The Beast! His real name however comes from my son - I said he could name the Basenji when he arrived. After trying out several (Basil, Kofi amongst others) we kind of stuck with Patrick (Pat for short) - and my son liked the name after we flew to Prague and the pilot was apparently called Patrick (I don't take much notice of these things but I guess to an 11 year old pilots are exciting people!) I am enjoying this Forum and it is great to read about Basenjis and be amongst people with dogs who behave like mine does !

  • Houston

    it is great to read about Basenjis and be amongst people with dogs who behave like mine does !

    I agree, when things get really frustrating it is nice to know that at least X amount of people across the world have the same problems I do with my B, it brings me some kind of solace..LOL

  • Hello from a prespective owner!


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