Just got approved as a Foster..so excited

  • Houston

    I just got approved as a BRAT foster and I am so excited. This will be the first time we have ever fostered any animals so we are clearly newbies, but you have to start somewhere, right. It looks like we will get a little girl named Bana. She has been fostered since before christmas, but has not gotten anywhere as far as her fear/aversion to men. So we will give it a go to see if my husband, Ventura can work with her. We are very excited as a family to be able to help out in any way, shape or form.

    Thanks for letting me share.

  • Congrats - sounds like you're excited. And good luck on your new foster kid

  • Congrats!!!
    I know you will find fostering one of the most rewarding things you have ever done. đŸ™‚

  • That's really great your helping!! Keep us updated on how it's progressing with Bana.

  • YAY!!!Congrats. I love fostering and am glad to see more volunteers. You by chance wouldn't know anyone in the Dallas area willing to drive to Tulsa, would you? I have a foster in texas from a puppymill I am trying to get here.


  • Houston

    Dash I don't know of anybody to drive, but I heard that the puppies are really sweet. Good luck.

    I will pick Bana up tomorrow evening, we are looking forward to it. She is about 20 lbs and red/white. I will post pics once I get her..

  • Please keep us posted on how it goes.

  • Actually, I think Pilots N Paws maybe flying her up. Crazy, I had never heard of them.

    Good Luck to you BasenjiMamma, you are an angel!!

  • Houston

    Awesome news Jen. I have never heard about them either but that sounds really cool. I just read about some airlines dedicated for pet transport, I think in the Basneji magazine, really cool.

  • Houston

    Here are seome pics of our new little foster angel..Bana, she is almost 3 years and I believe was originally found at a puppy mill. We hope/think she is ready to be adoptaed here in a week or two. She has some fears towards men, but is already coming out of it. She adores Otis and our kids, which is a good thing..

  • super cute.

  • I never cease to be amazed by the excellent work of BRAT. Our wonderful dogs owe you all a huge debt of gratitude.

  • Houston

    Dash, did you ever get the pup sent to you?

  • I honestly don't know, PM me with his data and I will ensure it is added along with a photo if you'd like.


  • @Basenjimamma:

    Dash, did you ever get the pup sent to you?

    I am still waiting. the flight that was supposed to come got stuck with mechanical problems. We are still looking and hoping. I will keep you posted. How is your foster doing?

    I attempted to post a pic. I am not sure if it worked.

  • Houston

    Bana is doing great, I really think she is ready to be adopted soon. She has attached herself to me like you wouldn't believe and I don't know if that is a good thing. She does great around my kids and their 4 friends taht spent all last week with us, as well as all the different male friends we have had over to see how she would be, she even like to sleep in my hubby's armpit(..why I don't know, but oh well, to each his own..). She is truly a sweetheart.
    I saw the picture of yours, so sweet. How old is she? I hope things work out soon, since it is a shame for her to be in a kennel..when she could be home with you

  • She is 4 years old

  • Basenjimamma, how is your girl doing? She is a cutie. I saw her on the BRAT site.

    Sugar is well but very lethargic. She eats well though. No accidents in the house but afraid of EVERYTHING. Assuming all goes well with her HW treatments I am pretty sure she will be staying with us. I have completely fallen for her. She gets along splendidly with our other dogs and is a real compliment to the pack.

    Thursday we take her for her chest X-rays and blookwork. We can start the treatment after that. I know it has to be done but she is so scared. It is heart breaking.

  • Houston

    Bana is doing great. She is on the site and we have had 4+ peeps looking at adopting her, from all over teh country. So now we have to decide who would be the best fit. She is so sweet, definitely more skiddish than Otis ever was, but not necessarily afraid. She has become very playfull and will play with the other dogs ;like a puppy, something she did not do at her other foster. I have become very attached to her too, but understand that I can keep her because then I can't foster any more…due to sapce in house..LOL

    I am so sorry to hear that Sugar has heartworms, poor girl. I have never had a dog with that, it is painful to treat, no? as well as expensive I've heard..BRAT fits the bill though, right? How long have you had her now? I hope she comes out of her fear and learns to relax. Bana still sleeps with one eye open..lol..meaning she can be fast asleep but if I get up, she has to see what I am doing..regardless of where I am in the house..

    Please let me know how Sugar's X-rays turn out and know that I am keeeping her and you in my thoughts and prayers..

  • I have never had a dog with heartworms but have had one in the practice that I worked at years ago. The vet is concerned because there are so many microfiliaria or baby worms in her blood stream. Gross!!

    Yes, if we keep her, we will not be able to foster any more either. But it is right. we can help in other ways. BRAT definately fits the bill. The total cost quoted is $500. so remember to give your pups their pills!!! They have to give her an injection in her muscle on her back. 2 in 24 hours. then we go back in a month. she also has to stay overnight in the hospital, which I hate. He promised they would have a tech with her all night, otherwise I said she had to come home.

    I will keep you posted..

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