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Basenji without spunk - very sick, pls read

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Betsy, I am truly sorry for your loss, and share your tears.

    basenji rescue has a bunch of dogs in Florida that need homes right now. I know getting another dog after your own dog dies, can sometimes even feel like an act of betrayal, but it really would be good for both you, and your surviving Basenji. Not to mention, the one that you would be providing a "forever home" for.

    If you're interested, go to the website, complete the application, and somebody will contact you quickly.


  • Oh you guys are making me cry. Thank you for being basenji parents. This is one of the benefits of owning basenjis. The supportive and die hard addicted parents to the breed. Every basenji owner I have met is aware of their basenji's unique personalities. I remember bringing Caesar to the park and meeting about 9 red rescue basenjis and being amazed that his weird personality wasnt unique.

    I see Beta everywhere like that Sting song about walking in the same footsteps….I miss her and am not shy about telling Caesar or mentioning her name.

    Caesar immediately was more attention oriented. He was hysteric happy anytime he is let out of the kennel (huge, they shared it together). I have been taking him to work with me and he enjoys that.

    Caesar is fine and I have considered adopting. I truely believe basenjis are happiest when there is more than one in a household. Beta provided a type of communication with Caesar that I will never be able to offer. They slept on top of each other in basenji balls. Beta used to hop up on the couch where Caesar was sitting next to me and lay down on top of him, even on top of his head, and he loved it, never moving. Silly b's.

    I have decided that although my heart misses Beta, that would not be an appropriate reason to adopt again. I adopted Beta for Caesar when he was about 1-1/2 yrs. He had finally settled down from his puppy days and just needed more interaction than I could provide. He went with me to Gainesville to meet a hopeful girl from the Nebraska puppy mill basenjis that had been transported down for homes. He went up to her (starved, bald, covered in urine and looking worse than her on her last days) and licked her face.

    I believe Caesar will tell me if he needs another brother or sister. I think I will probably go male and black and white, or brendle just to avoid feeling like I am replacing Beta.

    So far he has been okay. He has trouble sleeping in the kennel the whole night and cries around 3am every night. I have been allowing him in bed which he loves and I will shoot myself later about.

    This morning he went outside and wanted me to play with him. I open the door for him to come in and he does his basenji dance (you cant touch me!!) and wont come inside. I close the door, he scratches on it. I open it and he teases me again. "Come outside! Lay in the sun with me! Let's run our Basenji500 around the yard, I know you want to chase me!!

    So, he could use a companion. I am not ready yet, but do confess to religeously checking the rescues and puppies.....

    I hope I can hold out past the puppy season. It seems wrong to jump too soon.

    So it is Caesar and Betsey for now. We shall see what happens.


  • We're glad to hear you're doing okay Betsey and Caesar. Just the right attitude. Your description of the "come and get me game" is perfect. When you feel like it, we'd like to see more pictures of your park in Tampa and the the gang of B's. All the best!

  • I remember that puppy mill. We had a houseful of them including two really sweet breeder mom's named della and daisy. Those dogs were in poor shape.

    You'll be ready someday. Take your time.


  • just an fyi, i had the vet send two large samples for the dna testing for fanconi per the member request….

  • Betsey so glad to hear that you & Ceasar are hanging in there. Give yourselves some time to mourn & heal after Beta's passing. There are plenty of basenji's to adopt in the spring time :) and maybe then you're decision will be less based on emotions but more practical.

    Please keep us posted on Ceasar and yourself. Lots of (((HUGS)))

  • Well I would have to say Caesar just doesnt know what to do with himself now. I never realized the benefit of the two together. Beta and Caesar were crated together at home while I was at work and crated together at night to sleep. Caesar is okay out of the crate when I am not home, but Beta was another story.

    I have had Caesar sleeping in a dog bed at night out of the kennel and he loves it. When I have to go to work, he has been hiding under the table because he doesnt want to be in the kennel by himself, I think.

    So I have been bringing him to work, but I know he needs more activity. I have begun to look for a male basenji to share our home. We shall see what happens…..

  • Mantis, you should go ahead and apply with b.r.a.t. They have many more dogs than what are posted on their website. Right now is the influx of the 7-9 month old dogs that were born last spring.


  • Lots of luck, Betsey…it sounds like Ceasar would love the company. Keep us posted on how you're all doing and if you find that special friend for you both.

  • @Mantis:

    I have begun to look for a male basenji to share our home. We shall see what happens…..

    I hope you find one, fingers crossed.:)

  • My son just a few days ago suggested we get another B. Caesar is male? I am curious as to why you will add a male as Beta was female.

  • Well, I have decided to go male this time to avoid comparing, and to go with a puppy instead of a full grown basenji.

    Also, boys act differently in dog parks. They tend to be more play oriented and outgoing where the females are watching and in control at all times.

    IMO, there are certain definative behaviors from basenjis at the dog park. If I am standing, my bs will run and play (including the female). If I sit they immediately begin to guard me or our territory. The girls stay close to the owners and the boys will post like sentinals around the group to play and meet other dog park dogs. It is common for a female to try to break up the boys when they start to box and play together.

    The girls tend to be more snarfy than the boys. Snarfy is just talking, but to a non basenji owner, snarfing at a dog park can sometime come off as hostile. We basenji owners know that our girls just talk that way.

    I am hoping that down the road I will have a home with acreage again and then will look at adopting a female rescue again.

    I feel that Caesar needs a companion and would enjoy having a buddy to show the ropes. Personally, I can't deal with a female basenji because Beta's my only little girl and I cant imagine picking out a female without compairing her to Beta.

    I have found a boy puppy that is in a litter from a woman who has 2 basenjis that have had their first and only litter. Her basenjis live on a 3 acre lot with them as their pets. She will be fixing both of them and is not a breeder or puppymill person. There is nothing wrong with breeders IMO, but after seeing what a puppymill atmosphere can do to a dog, I am extra cautious and do not promote breeding basenjis as income.

    Florida has a strong basenji community that is primarily rescues. All of the rescue dogs are lovable and fantastic. I realize that my Beta was a difficult rescue to have, but I was perfect in our home.

    There are some beautiful rescues out there right now. On the Basenji Rescue and Transport site there is a basenji girl named "Bess" who is super cute and would be my top pick from the site if I were going with an adult. I have seen her pics before and the current pics just dont do her justice. She is a real angel…..

    Today I picked out a beautiful urn for beta. There are a lot of urns out there that have that generic figurine of a basenji or the repetative picture that you see everywhere. This site has 3 basenji sculptures in bronze to go on top of the urn. The site is if anyone is interested.

  • Betsey, I am glad to see you are looking into a playmate for Ceasar. Sounds like he needs a companion. Good luck with the puppy, I can't wait to see pictures.

  • I know you would like to have a puppy, Mantis, but did you see Rocky on the Basenji Rescue and Transport? He was just added on the 22nd and he is a beautiful red & white! I think they said he is good with other dogs, but has not been tested around children yet. He is a fairly young guy! Just a suggestion, I know puppy love is sooooo hard to resist. It sure got to me when I 1st saw my Bella!! There were the puppy challenges of course, but I feel I bonded to her quickly because she was a baby.

  • oh I know. I have been watching the rescue sites for a while now….just havent seen the right match there....

  • BTW, the specailist called and left a message on my VM today. She was checking in and had more info from a few tests that have just come back on Beta. I will post her input tomorrow.

  • The specialist contacted me today about additional test results that have been examined more extensively. Here is an overview of what she said:

    Submitted stomach and intestinal
    Assessment of pathologist
    Hypertophic gastritis is definative
    Intestine was also inflamed
    Some features were consistant with IPSID
    Problem w that type is it is non specific
    Irritable bowel disease in basenjis can be IPSID, very hard to differentiate
    Could be IPSID in intestines
    The only article on the hypertrophic gastritis did also have IPSID mentioned in the intestines

    Most basenjis that have IPSID have an elevation in gastrin levels
    Acidity in the stomach
    Her levels were normal. Doesn’t rule it out
    Acidity test sent to Texas A&M

    The doctor talk with others at the GI conference….

    Lymphocitic plasmacitic aneritis(spelling) is what Beta had in her intestines.

    Definitely- has on all 3 biopsies, 1st surgery, 2nd scope, and 3rd after death

    Same principle as IPSID

    Diet allergy seems to be the problem….with IPSID and IBS in basenjis
    Both have malabsorption.
    IPSID is more severe in basenjis genetically….

    Specialist at Oakhurts Vet

    They suggest changing the food on a regular basis to avoid allergies. Over active immune system in basenjis with IBS or IPSID.

    Beta had been on the same food (Eukanuba) her whole life because Caesar's stomach is very sensitive with any food change.

    If anyone has a basenji with IPSID or Hypertophic Gastritis or IBS please refer your Vet to this text or have them contact:

    Dr. Cuypers DVM (female)
    VM 727-517-7200

    What has been so difficult about this is that Beta showed the shaking once 3 months before this episode when she had giardia. She would eat bits of towels and seemed to have a stomach of steel over the past 4 years.

    No other signs were present.

    She just started the second episode and didnt make it through. The doctors treated her with medicines for IBS and IPSID as well as for ulcerations and there was no treatment that improved her state.

    One of the major flags what the intestine that was layered. The first doctor mentioned in the notes did the ultrashound and thought the intestine was folding in on itself which it wasnt in the surgery. Thickening of the intestinal walls and stomach lining were present with what Beta had.

  • This info could save a lot of discomfort and pain for Basenjis/owners. Though rare, many could not go to the lengths you did to battle this illness. My B had stomach problems from antidiotics a couple months ago, it's so scary. Luxor has always eaten Iams Smart Puppy and now at 13 months, I'm going to switch him over to big boy food, any suggestions out there? All the best. Mark n' Lux

  • I had switched Beta and Caesar over to Natural Balance Duck and Potato dry (for Caesar) and wet (for Beta's sensitive stomach at the time). The vet suggested this brand because as Beta's progression became worse they said diet could make the biggest difference if she had IPSID or Irritable Bowel Disease or what she actually had….

    The Duck and Potatoe is a no soy, no preservative, no wheat, no rice, and no corn product. It is made as the sensitive food.

    Now that Beta is gone, I am feeding the dry to Caesar (loves it) and the wet canned food will be for the new puppy.

    I began searching for the best puppy foods within the Innova family or the Natural Balance family and found that the Duck and Potato I have been feeding them is recommended for puppies as well.

    Thank goodness because I spent about $150 on the food....buying cases of the canned expecting Beta to have a long period of needing soft food.

    The Innova EVO products are very popular in the Tampa FL basenji community. The dry form has some of the grain group that I was trying to avoid with Beta's condition. The Innova EVO wet food is 95% meat and the vet suggested Venison. I give it to Caesar as an added treat from time to time and he goes nuts.

    The vet also said that the IBS or IPSID in basenjis is best controlled by switching their foods up so that the body doesnt have allergies to the foods and learns to build up strength in the intestines.

    The Natural Balance line has several sensitive stomach foods as well as regular foor.

    I didnt think the price was too much more than Eukanuba which is what I have fed my two for years....who would guess that Euk Lamb and Rice isnt great for your pup....

    Here are a few pics I took on Beta's last days at home. I just found them in my camera....

    Beta and Caesar sleeping together....Beta is the tri girl

    Beta in the yard….

    My baby girl….lovingly called my little Beta Potata

  • Thanks for the info! Great pics, what a doll. Like my boy, you can't tell to look when the B's are even sick. It's their wonderful nature shining through.

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