• Hi! my name is Katerina and I'm the owner of a Russiam Basebji Kennel Itury Puzzle.
    My basenji family are
    Pizhon s Knjazheskogo Dvora (Zhorik)- Multi Champion- Russia, Montenegro, Serbija, Bulgaria, Grand Bulgarisa, Makedonia,Ch. of Balkanian CounriesRKF.
    We also like to run cursing, to sleep, to have a goog meal :)))

    And 3 girls
    Zhorik's sister Pchelka
    Russian Champion, very curious girl, She's the general in our family

    Tim Spirit Dzhubili (Rita)-the kindest girl ever :))
    Junior Russian Champion, Multichampion:Russia, Montenegro, Serbija, Bulgaria, Grand Bulgarisa, Makedonia,Ch. of Balkanian Counries, Mediterranian Winner,RKF.

    And a little Snail Tail Basma Bash-just a cutie pup , the favour of everybody- 3* BIS baby1

    We'll be very glad to comunacate here and to find new friends :)))

  • Very nice Basenjis. Have you done any DNA testing for Fanconi yet?

  • Welcome to the forum! Those are very beautiful Basenjis you have.

  • tanza, here, in Russia it's unfortunately impossible, only about 3-10 dogs out of hundreeds have it. In july i'm going to Finland, alredy got the appointment in the clinic for giving blood for test.
    at our latest National kennel Club (i'm a member)meeting I tryed to rise this question, but our breeders told me, that dogs live with fanconi 15 & more years and they're not going to spend money for it. As more i'm upset, as most of them are vets and have 10-100 litters a year.

    nobarkus ,thank you very much 🙂 hope the basenjists here will become our friends!

  • You don't need to draw blood for the test anymore. You can now do the test by cheek swab.

    The best way to get others to test is to do the testing and advertise and educate about the test. As puppy buyers start demanding health tested stock before committing to purchase a puppy, breeders will have to test or they won't be able to sell their puppies.

  • lvoss.I know about the saleva test, but I have 2 reasons against- the first is that one of my friends have sent it and got the result Infected, she didn't trusted, and passed once more, writing another name. Clear, The same dog. how can it be&
    May be we're too far , and during the shipping smth happened, but after this I trust blood test more.
    And the other reason that the post here works awfully (may be that's the reson of the first result) so I think it'll be better to go to Europe and give blood- anyway we go to the show-why not to use the opportunity?

  • Did your friend talk to the lab about what happened? If she submitted both samples via FTA card they can go back and see if an error occurred. It is really important that if a true error occurred it be identified because someone else could have gotten your friends Clear result instead and they actually have an Affected.

  • No, she didn't. She decided it's all a mess and forgot of it. She doesn't breed her dog and she says she has spent enogh of money, she'd better controll the dog with glucose test.
    That's her choice

  • Welcome to the forum from England. Your dogs look lovely. Zhorik looks very fit. I see you have one of each colour. Was that a factor in your decision to have them?

    Are there many Basenjis bred in Russia?

  • @Itury:

    tanza, here, in Russia it's unfortunately impossible, only about 3-10 dogs out of hundreeds have it. In july i'm going to Finland, alredy got the appointment in the clinic for giving blood for test.
    at our latest National kennel Club (i'm a member)meeting I tryed to rise this question, but our breeders told me, that dogs live with fanconi 15 & more years and they're not going to spend money for it. As more i'm upset, as most of them are vets and have 10-100 litters a year.

    nobarkus ,thank you very much 🙂 hope the basenjists here will become our friends!

    You do not need blood test any longer, it is done with cheek swabs…. and unless you test you do not know if Basenjis have it or not... as far as how long they can live with Fanconi... I personally do not believe 15yrs to be true at all... Fanconi will usually shorten their lives by 5yrs or more, in my experience.. all depends on how they respond to the protocol and also how old they are when they show signs of Fanconi.

    And I just read your other posts... certainly submitting the blood is great also, as then they have it for future DNA testing, which they do not have with the cheek swab.

    I also agree with lvoss, it is too bad that they didn't follow up on the difference in the tests.... because that is the only way to make sure the data base is as correct as possible.

  • Hi, Patty!
    Zhorik is a "keen on sport boy", he's fond of cursing and just simple running :)))
    Thank you!
    As for the colours- tha story is as follows- Zhorik and Rita were my first basenjis (I had Americsn Staffordshire terriers before, my beloved girl Gera died last year, in the sleep as the result of heart attack at the age of nine, I still miss her so much!!!),red and black. I thoght it's enough.
    But as I called , as usual, to Zhoriks Kennel to ask how are they, to report of our show results and just to talk, they told me, that his brindle sister Pchrlka feels lonely without her own home and no adequate owners wish to have her,so me& my husband decided to take her home (for a while, as we thought), and to look for the best owners for her. But she had another point of view-she decided to stay with us, and we, at that time, already loved her and felt pity … So, she stayed with us now, as a most general dog in our house :)))
    This year I decided, that I lack a tri one 🙂 As soon I thought, it was a telephone call from my friend, that her doy became a father for the first time and she invited me to see the pups, Basma was 12 hours old at that time (she was a half of my palm) but as i saw her- I said- I want thas girl! I love her.(I still have the foto of or first meeting on my hand) So, I took her ar the age of 45 days (all that period i visited her once or twice a week-to see her growing, openning eyes, beginning walking, eating) so,I think that girl was borm for our family. My Rita & Pchela accepted her at once 🙂 As if she's their pup.

  • tanza . Anyway, I've already confirmed the appointment for blood test for 2 dogs that go with me, I think the rest two will have the saleva test little bit later-no matter, I want my dogs to live good and healthy and to know what to be ready for.

  • What a wonderful family of Basenjis. Bash was obviously intended to join you all.

    I hope we'll see a lot more pictures of them.

  • I have millions of fotoes- some of them are in my facebook page (Katerina Roschina), but we're now in the country with my dogs and my daughter- the internet here is with the phone-so it's difficult and expencive to post photoes. I'm very sorry…Promise to post as much-as possible!

  • Houston

    Welcome to our awesome forum. We have lots of knowledge on here and fun times too. Your kiddos are beautiful..Good luck on the blood test and I agree, better to have that done than nothing..

  • I love your kindest girl ever we have something in common (Rita). Welcome.

    Rita Jean

  • Basenjimamma,Rita Jean , thank you very much for such a warm atmosphere and pleasant words about my dogs- I'll pass it to them (Especially Rita loves when smb spaks good of her- she sits and demonstrates how perfect she is, my friends call her a "super model") :)))
    like this

  • Welcome to the forum, am sure you will enjoy it.


  • Hi!
    Welcome to this great comunity and will cross fingers for good results of your upcoming tests!
    Beautiful dogs, I really like them!

  • Welcome tot the forum.. youre basenji boy… WOW.. I love him.. (he has almost the same expression as my red-white Basenji Buana!)

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