• Randy and I (Georgia) have recently adopted 2 basenjis, Franklin and Eleanor (Frankie and Ellie). Just recently I noticed Ellie doing a behavior that I'm not sure is allergy-related or if it's something else.

    Ellie is tricolor. She seems to be showing more brown than black in some spots since we've had her. I attributed that to shedding or being in the sun. I have now noticed that, when laying down, she will act like she is watching or feeling something on her or around her. She does not scratch or bite at herself. But, rather, appears to be tracking something with her eyes or as though she is feeling something and looking to see what it is. I have checked her for fleas and ticks, both negative.

    She doesn't do this all day, but off and on. She is a bit of a nervous dog when riding but otherwise not so.

    Can someone give me some ideas on this? I'm not sure, but I have seem to have noticed it more now that there is more vegetation. We got both dogs on Apr 2 and now it's June.

    Thanks for any help.

  • I just adopted a tri 3 weeks ago and he has some of that brown patchy fur. It's disappearing and fur turning black as he's on a good diet. I use a cat curry comb daily to get that loose hair off. He was at a shelter for some time and most likely on junkie food. As far as the tracking I'm not sure what to make of that. If the fur/skin looks fine and she's not scratching I don't know if I'd worry about it.

  • Hi Georgia,
    welcome to the forum, i'm sure you will enjoy it here and learn a lot.
    Is it possible Ellie has mites? maybe take her to the vets to be checked out. Strange that she's not scratching.

  • Houston

    Or could it be a flea or two..

  • Are you outside or inside? Jaycee was looking at our carpet the other day like I never seen. Jaycee has flea med's but the carpet did not and you do bring them in on your own clothes. Carpet had a flea.

    Rita Jean

  • Thanks for all replies. I have checked her for ticks and fleas. None. If it continues or worsens, I will have the vet check her for mites. Also, which I forgot to mention, is that occasionally when she is doing the "tracking" thing, she drools on her bedding. She isn't licking herself because I've watched her, but if you look at her bedding, it's like she's drooled on it or possibly licked it.

    I think the dogs were on Nutramax when we got them, but I was looking for dog food when that ran out, and was looking for one that started with meat, not meat byproducts or grain. So we are feeding them Rachel Ray's Nutrish. Any comments good or bad about that brand? All input appreciated.


  • @Randy:

    Thanks for all replies. I have checked her for ticks and fleas. None. If it continues or worsens, I will have the vet check her for mites. Also, which I forgot to mention, is that occasionally when she is doing the "tracking" thing, she drools on her bedding. She isn't licking herself because I've watched her, but if you look at her bedding, it's like she's drooled on it or possibly licked it.

    I think the dogs were on Nutramax when we got them, but I was looking for dog food when that ran out, and was looking for one that started with meat, not meat byproducts or grain. So we are feeding them Rachel Ray's Nutrish. Any comments good or bad about that brand? All input appreciated.


    First time I heard that Rachel Ray is selling a dog food, looked at the ingredients and the 4th one is corn meal and then like the 6th is corn bluten meal… and then Dried Beet Pulp. Usually when dogs have a problem with foods it is corn .... and corn/beet pulp has no nutrition.. it is just a filler... I would go to a better quality food that has less grains. There is EVO (no grains), there is Natural Balance (no grains) Potato and Duck, Potato and Venison, etc...

    With the way you are describing what she is doing, adding in drooling, I don't wonder if she is not having some type of idiopathic seizure??

  • Houston

    I don't know of the fancy name, but it does sound suspect that she is drooling. I would definitely have her checked at the Vet, just to rule out anything more severe.

  • If you can video her while she is doing this, it might help a vet to diagnose, if indeed it is small seizure-type activity.

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