Well done! Just one thing - can you explain to me what an RN title is please?
RN - Rally Novice
It is the first level rally title.
Congratulations to Shadow and Sugar!
This Rallying thing sounds like really good fun. I help train at our local dog club where we do KC Good Citizen awards. Rallying sounds like it's more fun. I don't think we have anything like that here in the UK.
Well done in your success! Keep up the good work. :) -
Congrats, Arlene. Sounds like a very nice weekend.
Rally is fun. Shadow's uncle Nicky also has an RN title and it was fun to do. I like that at the RN level it is all on leash. I have been working with my girls too though we are kind of stuck on the sit walk around and down walk around.
Thank you everyone. I wasn't sure he was going to get it all because on the last leg, he refused to sit at every station. I had to retry two stations twice and two stations once each. Shadow would look at the ground and ignore me! I came out of the ring and a woman asked me,'What happened?'. I had to tell her that they are independent and if he decided he wasn't going to co-operate, he just wouldn't do it. He is solid when he does something, but to get him to do it is another thing. He had two trials in one day, so I guess he figured one time being good was enough, he didn't have to do it twice. Ahhhh, it's a B!