@zande said in Is Mango a Besenji?:
No way is that a Podengo ! (IMNSHO !)
You can't see this little one ending up looking like the pups in this photo? I think it's probable.... but we know a DNA test will tell for sure.
-22 here with at least a foot of snow on the ground. Pretty soon we will be driving the Ski-doo around the yard making them paths to walk on. Poor guys go out there and come back in hopping on three feet (sometimes two). Sometimes I have to make the big rescue and go out there and pick them up. They come cruising thru the doggy door and straight to the wood stove to warm up. They better not need rescuing in a couple of weeks. I have to go for knee surgery and I don't think I can pack a dog while on crutches!!!
Zoni is so cute…she is quite the chatterbox! :D:D
Liyah will sing when I come home and greets me, she'll sing for her supper or sing if she wants one of the adults to play with her. She does talk constantly to Brando if they are playing and he has something she wants...but it isn't the type of song that Zoni is doing. She definitely sings, not as often as that.
Love it...really cute!!:D:D:D