• I don't know if this goes in behavior or heath issues because one affects the other. Buddy is 8 months old and I expect puppy behavior but he just seemed over the top as I have had puppy Basenjis before and he seemed extreme. I started giving Buddy fish oil from a capsule right from the start when I got him home. Now when I would take him out for a 1 hour or longer walk he seemed mellow when we got home but I started noticing 5 minutes after dinner he was uncontrollably obnoxious. It just seemed over the top and I couldn't seem to calm him down and so I just quietly and gently put him in his crate as it was exhausting and I would need a rest. Even after a little time in there he'd come back out with the same behavior only a bit toned down. I would have to take him out again for a nother 20-30 minute walk. In the morning he's fine. Then I remembered giving fish oil caps to my red/wht Ringo years ago and he would get hyper from it so I stopped. Last night I did not give him any and he was so well behaved and mellow. Now the holistic vet and on the internet say it's OK to give 1200 mg cap. Maybe mine are more potent but it sure made him just super hyper and he just grab, try to chew everything and play bite me uncontrollably. I cannot find on the internet anywhere that says it causes this problem. Then again Basenji systems are more sensitive than any other dog.
    Any weird over the top or difficult behavior makes me always suspect to diet. Just thought I would share this in case anybody else has a similar problem.

  • Houston

    I can't believe it that is really weird. I have my dogs on salmon oil, some expensive stuff that comes in a bottle with a pump, and I have not noticed " worse" behavior after I give that to Otis…sometimes I forget so I have days when he gets it and days when he doesn't.

  • I think the caps are probably too potent. They're for human consumption but the vet said they should be fine. I will try getting some at a much lower dose and see what happens.

  • Houston

    If you want to try something different I know of several different fish oils made for dogs, the all typically come in larger bottles with a pump type squirt function, so you just squirt straight onto their food. The one I am using right now is Henne Pet Food "Kronch Salmon oil" 17.6 oz cost me about $23 here in TX. I also did some research and found that Costco (online)had one or two other types of salmon oil at a better price point, so next time I will buy from them intead, me and Costco, we are like best buds..lol

  • @Basenjimamma:

    If you want to try something different I know of several different fish oils made for dogs, the all typically come in larger bottles with a pump type squirt function, so you just squirt straight onto their food. The one I am using right now is Henne Pet Food "Kronch Salmon oil" 17.6 oz cost me about $23 here in TX. I also did some research and found that Costco (online)had one or two other types of salmon oil at a better price point, so next time I will buy from them intead, me and Costco, we are like best buds..lol

    Good to know! I bought a 17-18oz bottle of salmon oil awhile ago for just under $20. Unfortunately did not come with a pump. So I'm using a bottle that does have one as a replacement.

    Never have seen a change in behavior using this stuff. Just a better coat and him scratching less.

  • Houston

    Wow, that is a good price.
    Are you using fish oil capsules and salmon oil or just one or the other?

  • The supplement you all are using is less potent I'm sure. The EPA and DHA levels are lower and you're good to go and those. I'm just saying that the fish oil caps for humans may have the potency too high even though the vet and internet say it should be OK. I'll get something more in line for a canine.

  • Houston

    I would think you should be able to use the human kind as well, shoot, I use a lot of human grade things for my chickens, but I guess B's might be more sensitive, and I understand that and would keep an open mind to that. Good forbid I actually made Otis ill, knowing he was acting funny and just ignoring it…right?

  • The caps I was using are high quality and tested for PCBs and toxic metals. I get them from Trader Joe's market and I take 1 myself everyday. I did notice that if I took 2 it made me a bit wired up so I cut back to one.

  • @nobarkus:

    The caps I was using are high quality and tested for PCBs and toxic metals. I get them from Trader Joe's market and I take 1 myself everyday. I did notice that if I took 2 it made me a bit wired up so I cut back to one.

    To be honest, I thought the salmon oil would be more enjoyable for my B as he loves the taste. He will lick his food dish completely clean. So it ends up serving two purposes: Giving him the nutrients and making his food taste even better.

  • I'll try the salmon oil. I gave him a tsp of ground up flax seed this morning in his food. No problem at all with that.That is rich in the omega 3 fatty acids. I buy the organic flax seed in bulk from Whole Foods and refrigerate it then grind the seeds when needed.

  • Medjai used to get one pump a day from my salmon oil with a pump for dogs. I haven't gotten into the routine again since moving as his food is outside and I don't want to put the oil outside as it would attract too many stray animals.

    If the caps are too much for you to have 2 a day, than 1 a day for the dog is too much. Most of it is based on weight, and I am sure you weigh more than 50 lbs. Although dogs can probably take more of the fish oil than we can, because of their body structure and everything, I'm sure that a smaller cap or a canine specific fish oil will be better. Also, just use one type not both together.

  • Dan not sure fish oil can really cause that. I have a stupid knee and went to doctor and he told me to take 5,000 mg a day I only get 4,800 because they are 1200 a pill and I take 4. I can bend my knee again and the doctor said he would do this before ever doing surgery on his own knee. That having been said I cannot but think fish oil would be ok but could upset his tummy. The first fish ones I had were awful you could taste fish had to freeze them so when they went to work they all way in tummy. Now I take Nature Made with Omega-3.

  • @Rita:

    Dan not sure fish oil can really cause that. I have a stupid knee and went to doctor and he told me to take 5,000 mg a day I only get 4,800 because they are 1200 a pill and I take 4. I can bend my knee again and the doctor said he would do this before ever doing surgery on his own knee. That having been said I cannot but think fish oil would be ok but could upset his tummy. The first fish ones I had were awful you could taste fish had to freeze them so when they went to work they all way in tummy. Now I take Nature Made with Omega-3.

    His stomach was fine. He just got so hyper from it. It's the only thing I stopped giving him and he mellowed out, all the food items were the same. Also made my other B a bit hyper too some years ago. Maybe I just have the more sensitive B's. (-:

  • Must be more sensitive have you looked up fish oil to see what all was in it and the kind of fish?

    Rita Jean

  • @Rita:

    Must be more sensitive have you looked up fish oil to see what all was in it and the kind of fish?

    Rita Jean

    It's made from the small fish like sardines, anchovy to reduce mercury. Maybe there's some other ingredient in there. I'm going to have to try another type to experiment.

  • When I got mine at Wal-Greens and it is Nature Made. Look it up and read on it. Use only deep ocean fish. Who really knows .

    Rita Jean

  • I got some Salmon oil caps from the health food store that's a lower dose of EPA and DHA and he's doing fine now.

  • Houston

    I am glad you found something that is working for Buddy.

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