• Shaye does not like going out in the rain, but I take my umbrella, hitch her up, and out we go - she drags for a few feet, with her feet set solid, but soon realizes wet sidewalks are slippery, and gives up - she walks very quickly to the first available field, pees quick, then turns and trots back home double speed. She'll never like it, but she knows it's inevitable. As to the litterbox, I have to change one for my cat, which is bad enough. DOG poop in a litterbox is not going to happen here. Very few B's are going to be willing to walk out in the rain, but most of them will do it when there's no other option.

  • Thanks for all the feedback. Today was our first day in quite a while with no rain so far (fingers crossed that we don't have any later). I actually have a fenced backyard for them to go out in. Problem is, if it's raining, they'll just sit on the stoop, plastered to the door, trying to stay under the eaves of the house so they won't get wet. It's actually quite a funny looking site to see them doing this. But they end up not doing any toileting and then cannot hold it through the night in the crate. I may end up just getting my umbrella and going out there and staying with them until they go. Then maybe, they'll eventually get the message that we won't go back inside until they "go".

  • Gossy doesn't mind doing her business in the rain but with previous beasties I did the umbrella and raincoat thing - eventually the spruce tree grew big enough to provide a dry spot. Whatever works I say.

  • Wanted to get some opinions on training an adult Basenji with using a litter box. The issues I have been having lately with Kananga's urination have been wearing me thin. Even though I've taken him out every 3-4 hours, he can still have an accident. Granted this is a temporary issue, I have wondered the possibilities of litter box training. I do live in a hi-rise and it would save me a lot of time not having to take him out several time a day. And especially with the winters around here I would be far less miserable standing outside when its below zero.

    The other benefit I thought of is when I'm gone for an extended period of time. I always worry about him holding his bladder and have to find someone to watch him if I'm gone for more than 12 hours. He doesn't have the luxury of a doggy door and a backyard. I read that basenjis can be litter box trained, but the question is, is an adult basenji (just over a year old) capable of adapting?

    I just think he'd be a lot happier with the ease of going when he wants versus having to wait long periods of times. Not to mention the frustration with the cold temps in the winter.

  • I do not like litter or puppy pads but in my little world I would much rather have puppy pads. Litter gets wet and they go back and they step into it what a mess. The pads how ever at least are better in that area. Bad thing I have had is when that start using a puppy pad it is a mess to stop it. Could put pad by door so at least he would know potty by door or to go outside. I am sure someone on here will know better than me about litter. Good luck.

    Rita Jean

  • @Rita:

    I do not like litter or puppy pads but in my little world I would much rather have puppy pads. Litter gets wet and they go back and they step into it what a mess. The pads how ever at least are better in that area. Bad thing I have had is when that start using a puppy pad it is a mess to stop it. Could put pad by door so at least he would know potty by door or to go outside. I am sure someone on here will know better than me about litter. Good luck.

    Rita Jean

    I have been looking at this specific litter, meant for dogs.


    I thought about pads but I wasn't sure how effective they are.

  • I bought the ones at Wal-Mart in a green bag came in 100 and I think bag of 32. When I got Jaycee he said this is the name of the puppy pads she is broke to and I said ok. I do not know what they were I just went to Wal-Mart and she knew what they were just as soon I put it on the floor. I had a time getting her to stop using them. I never had a mess always on pad you buy like a holder to put them in so do not slide around I never did. I think if you go to www.upco and type in puppy pads they have the holder. I do not know what the litter cost it may be better not sure.

    Rita Jean

  • @Rita:

    I bought the ones at Wal-Mart in a green bag came in 100 and I think bag of 32. When I got Jaycee he said this is the name of the puppy pads she is broke to and I said ok. I do not know what they were I just went to Wal-Mart and she knew what they were just as soon I put it on the floor. I had a time getting her to stop using them. I never had a mess always on pad you buy like a holder to put them in so do not slide around I never did. I think if you go to www.upco and type in puppy pads they have the holder. I do not know what the litter cost it may be better not sure.

    Rita Jean

    I guess I assumed that a litter box is more of a permanent solution compared to the pads, which are common with puppies. I could be wrong.

    If the pads are suitable for a permanent solution I would without a doubt consider them.

  • Houston

    I know that you can use a piece of sod (grass) in a shallow litterbox, and it will act like the yard outside as well as potentially will look "nicer" in your home. I did some research on it when I first got Otis about 2 months ago, but decided he didn't need it, since he learned so quickly to ask to go outside. Just a thought..
    I do have pads (puppy) out if we are gone long times, not for OTis to use but my daughters 1 year old schnorkie she uses it. She can hold it longer, but piddles inside as if to say…she wants to go out but nobody was here.. so here take that...attitude

  • Anyone heard of Pooch Pads? I was reading reviews and it sounds like a very nice solution.


  • We train our puppies using Feline Pine/Pine Fresh litter. It turns to sawdust when wet, so doesn't make a mess (except when they do the B 500 through the box and scatter it!) Have not tried it with adults who have never used it, but I'm sure it could be done. The only problem with older males is if they are leg lifters - their aim is not always great!


  • @Terry:

    We train our puppies using Feline Pine/Pine Fresh litter. It turns to sawdust when wet, so doesn't make a mess (except when they do the B 500 through the box and scatter it!) Have not tried it with adults who have never used it, but I'm sure it could be done. The only problem with older males is if they are leg lifters - their aim is not always great!


    Kananga is not a leg lifter. Actually my last male dog (border collie) was not either. 🙂

  • @Terry:

    We train our puppies using Feline Pine/Pine Fresh litter. It turns to sawdust when wet, so doesn't make a mess (except when they do the B 500 through the box and scatter it!) Have not tried it with adults who have never used it, but I'm sure it could be done. The only problem with older males is if they are leg lifters - their aim is not always great!


    When I got Aaliyah this winter I set up litterboxes with Equine Pine/Equine Fresh. Same as the feline except a 30lb bag of Equine costs $6. I also liked it because it makes the house smell nice.

  • will the dogs use it for BM accidents too? we have diarehhea issues now and they have had several accidents.YUCK!!! i put old blankets all over the floor in the room where they sleep. then i can just toss the poo and wash the blanket. what a mess. this sounds better if they will use it and not the carpet.

  • @jonny:

    will the dogs use it for BM accidents too? we have diarehhea issues now and they have had several accidents.YUCK!!! i put old blankets all over the floor in the room where they sleep. then i can just toss the poo and wash the blanket. what a mess. this sounds better if they will use it and not the carpet.

    Yikes, that does not sound fun.

  • Yes, they will use it for poop - but if they have diarrhea they might not be able to make it to the box!
    Of course, the best thing is to figure out what's causing the diarrhea, which I'm sure you are working on. Half an Immodium usually works for ours if it's a temporary stomach upset from eating something they shouldn't…


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