• Hi Everyone, I am a new member from Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. I signed on to the forum about 3 weeks ago after losing our male basenji, Pharaoh. He was 10 years old and we had to put him to sleep very suddenly. We took him to the vet because we thought he had a bad tooth or gum infection because he started having trouble chewing. The vet scoped his throat and found a large mass in his throat that had started to engulf his tongue. There was nothing they could do, surgery was not an option so we lost him. I can't tell you how much we miss him.

    We still have a female basenji, Jasmine, that just turned 12 yesterday. Needless to say she being showered with attention from myself, my husband, and our 4 year old son. She is loving it.

    We absolutely love basenjis and their antics. The joke in our house when we had my son was that we did not have to baby proof anything because it was already basenji proofed. Both dogs were and are wonderful with our 4 year old.

    We want another one, but are struggling with our loss and trying to make sure it's right to get another one so soon after losing our buddy.

    Anyway, I ended up on the forum because of missing my pharaoh so much I just wanted to read about other basenjis and their antics.



  • Hi Laura,
    And Welcome. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Pets just don't live long enough. {Although, we've had guinea pigs before that seemed to live too darned long. . .}
    We'd love to see photos of both dogs!

  • 😞 I can't imagaine what it was like for you to put him down, I know your hearts are aching. I have one B who's 10mos. and we love her dearly already. These b's are the best. 😞

  • Hi Laura,

    I'm sorry for your loss. It is very hard to adapt to life without their big personalities.

    It sounds like Jasmine is being lavished with attention, which will hopefully keep her mind off Pharoah's departure.

    Welcome to this online community of basenji admirers.


  • Welcome to the forum Saddlebred. I live in the Central PA area. Great info, entertainment and good people…....enjoy.;)

  • I'm so sorry for your sudden loss of a beloved pet. I hope this forum helps you through. It's lots of great advice, information and fun. Welcome.

  • Welcome saddlebred… sorry to hear of ur loss .. I too had to put my 14 year old lab to sleep this year.. was one of the hardest things for me to do...I wasnt ready for another pet and along come Sandie... We love her, shes such a joy... we still miss Buddy...
    Hope to see pictures of ur Jasmine soon...

  • Hi Saddlebred!
    Soooo sorry to hear of your sudden loss. Any loss at any time leaves a big void. It is good you have Jasmine! Yes, please share pics of both your "pups".
    (btw, use to live in Pittsburgh so I know just where you are coming from, it's a beautiful hilly area)

  • Laura
    I am so sorry to here about you loss it is like losing a family member. i am also new to the form and new to having a B please if you ca share you stories w/ me i would to learn more about them


  • So sorry to hear about your loss…. it is so very hard to let them go, but you did the right thing.... He is now running free and without pain....

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