Our Basenji and Our 19 Month Old
It's been a while since I have been here. Some of you may remember my thread about Corky snapping at our baby. Well, those days are over! Corky loves Charlie and is not allowed to sleep or be on the couch in the family room anymore.
The two of them are total buds. They chase each other around the house like brothers and Corky hangs out with Charlie all the time.
He especially likes to be by Charlie when he's eating. Corky will put his paws on the highchair now and again. Well, one time he did this and Charlie grabbed his ear. It all happened in a split second. Charlie had his ear, Corky realized it and tried sheepishly to get away. Then he decided to just pull away to get away and he let out a yelp that filled the house. During this whole split second he never even looked mad, growled or tried to snap his way out of the situation. I'm so very proud of him!!!
Great news! Just a bit of patience. Thanks for letting us know as we love to hear that situations improve.
It is wonderful that you were patient and worked with him! Way too many people just get rid of the dog, but you have proven that basenjis can get over jealousy and find a soulmate in a toddler. Huge congratulations to you all.
It is wonderful that you were patient and worked with him! Way too many people just get rid of the dog, but you have proven that basenjis can get over jealousy and find a soulmate in a toddler. Huge congratulations to you all.
Exactly right.. or they throw the dog in the back yard and then wonder why they become totally a flake… It takes some time and a lot of effort... Kudos to you for working through the "tough" times
Yay! I am so glad things are working themselves out! It often just takes time for the dog to adjust to the new little person.
On a sadder note, a woman that I know IRL put her 10 year old dog down the SAME day that he growled and snapped at her 2.5 year old son, after he tripped over, and fell on the dog! I was thinking WHAT????? The dog had never aggressed at the child in 2.5 years, and over one incident she euthanized him.
I am so glad you worked through this with Corky!
Thanks everyone!!! We are glad it all worked out too. We love Corky very much!!!
I never understood people putting a dog down for something like growling or snapping at anyone. Especially the first time. I do some rescue work and know that there are so many wonderful people out there that don't have children and have the patience to work with a dog.
My aunt's dog snaps at Charlie when she's on the couch and he goes near her. We make it a point to put her in another room or outside when we're there. She's a sweet and good dog and just because she isn't comfortable with toddlers doesn't mean she needs to go anywhere.
Again, thanks SO MUCH for all the amazing advice you gave in my first thread and for the support and congrats!!!
Glad to hear it is turning out so well for you.
WoooHoooo Corky, way to go… good boy!!!:D:D:D:D:D